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Isaiah Berlin : A Life

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以赛亚·伯林爵士,OMSir Isaiah Berlin,1909年6月6日-1997年11月5日)是哲学家观念史学家,被认为是20世纪的顶尖自由主义思想家


伯林对自由主义理论的论述影响深远,他在1958年的演说“两种自由概念”(Two Concepts of Liberty)中,区分了積極消極自由,对以后关于自由平等的关系讨论产生了极大的影响

Sir Isaiah Berlin OM, CBE, FBA (6 June 1909 – 5 November 1997), was a Russo-British Jewish social and political theorist, philosopher and historian of ideas, "thought by many to be the dominant scholar of his generation".[1] He excelled as an essayist, conversationalist and raconteur; and as a brilliant lecturer who improvised, rapidly and spontaneously, richly allusive and coherently structured material.[1] He translated works by Ivan Turgenev from Russian into English and, during the war, worked for the British Diplomatic Service. In its obituary of the scholar, the Independent stated that "Isaiah Berlin was often described, especially in his old age, by means of superlatives: the world's greatest talker, the century's most inspired reader, one of the finest minds of our time ... there is no doubt that he showed in more than one direction the unexpectedly large possibilities open to us at the top end of the range of human potential".[

Michael Ignatieff; Writor of  《Isaiah Berlin : A Life 》

(伊格纳季耶夫Michael Ignatieff,1947年5月12日)是加拿大自由党前任党魁,曾担任加拿大国会下议院官方反对党领袖。他是国际著名的学者、教授、作家、和新闻从业员,在国际学界内他被公认为人权、民主、公共安全、国际事务的权威。

伊格纳季耶夫于1947年在多伦多出生,为家中长子,父亲佐治(George Ignatieff)是俄罗斯出生的加拿大外交官,母亲则是加拿大出生的杰西·艾莉森·格兰特。他的许多祖先都是加拿大和俄罗斯著名历史人物。他的父系祖先包括俄罗斯贵族家庭的比比科夫、加利齐纳、伊格纳季耶夫、卡拉姆津、马尔采夫、Meshchersky、帕宁、和托尔斯泰,并包括许多旧贵族。[来源请求] 其曾祖父及祖父,均世袭伯爵爵位。曾祖父尼古拉·伊格那提耶夫是沙皇亚历山大三世的第一任内政大臣。祖父保罗·伊格纳季耶夫是末代沙皇尼古拉二世的最后一任教育大臣[1],也是唯一未被革命党在十月革命中枪决的沙俄末朝大臣,并于1925年携同一家抵达加拿大。父亲佐治·伊格纳季耶夫在加拿大联邦政府任职外交官,其后一路迁升,仕途顺遂,曾任驻南斯拉夫、北约以及驻联合国大使。




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