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法国哲学家 Michel Onfray - La vie philosophique

(2014-05-06 03:47:42) 下一个

Michel Onfray,来自一个非常普通的法国家庭, 父亲是农业工人, 母亲是家庭妇女 , 天才, 勤奋,勤于 思考, 让他成为目前法国最热门的年青 哲学家

在一个崇尚思考喜欢哲学喜欢辩论的国家 - 法国, 哲学家就是他们的明星


米歇·翁福雷(Michel Onfray)(1959年1月1日出生)当代法国哲学家,奉行感质主义,无神论[1]和无政府主义[2]。他是一个多产的作家,写过超过50本哲学书[3][4]。其思想很大的启发于法国后现代唯物主义哲学家巴塔耶之著作中。

Michel Onfray (French: [mi??l ??f??]; born 1 January 1959) is a contemporary French philosopher who adheres to hedonism, atheism[2] and anarchism.[3] He is a highly prolific author on philosophy with more than 50 written books.[4][5]

He has gained notoriety for writing such works as Physiologie de Georges Palante, portrait d'un nietzchéen de gauche, Politique du rebelle: traité de résistance et d'insoumission, Traité d'athéologie: Physique de la métaphysique (translated into English as Atheist Manifesto: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam), La puissance d'exister and La sculpture de soi for which he won the annual Prix Médicis in 1993.

His philosophy is mainly influenced by such thinkers as Nietzsche, Epicurus, the cynic and cyrenaic schools, French materialism, and individualist anarchism. (wiki)

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