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希腊民谣天后Haris Alexiou: To Tango tis Nefelis

(2012-07-26 14:30:07) 下一个

Haris Alexiou

嗓音厚实有些许沙哑,演唱充满激情的希腊女艺人Haris Alexiou,是位颇有传奇色彩的歌手她从1972年起开始其歌唱生涯,演唱风格多变,从希腊民谣,到法语,德语,阿拉伯语歌曲,直到沉婉具有古典气质的歌谣,样样俱全。 到了80年代,她逐渐开始展现出色的作曲才能,写了像Rota Me Oti Thes这样热门的歌曲,92年她 进入宝丽金,转变风格,发行了一张在法国,比利时,以色列甚至日本都十分畅销的唱片Di euxon(With Wishes)。2年后,她成功地打入了日本唱片市场。此后几年中,她赢得了许多奖项,并继续与许多国家地着名艺人合作,像Manu Katche, Yiannis Spathas,Arto Tuncboyaclyan,Christos Nikolopoulos,Bjorn Alterhaug。她2000年的专辑Whispers,返朴归真,纯粹的钢琴与吉他伴奏,色彩清淡。(google music)

Lyrics: Haris Alexiou
Music: Loreena McKennitt
Performed by: Haris Alexiou

To Tango tis Nefelis - English Lyrics

Two little angels
came and stole
the golden rag
Nefeli used to wear on her head,
so as to differ from us all in the vineyard.

Two little angels
who were dreaming of Nefeli and wanted
to feed her pomegranate and honey,
so that she could not remember, so that she would forget what she wanted,
they managed to seduce her.

Hyacinths and lilies
robbed her of her scent and wear it
while flying love gods laugh at her,
throwing their arrows towards her.

But the benevolent Zeus
takes the adolescence water away from her,
turns her into a cloud and disperses her
so that they could not find her.

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