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葛利格 G大调第二小提琴奏鸣曲

(2012-05-04 06:58:56) 下一个

Edvard Grieg - Violin Sonata No.2 Op.13 2nd movement

葛利格為挪威的民族音樂家, 他的夢想是成為一個詩人或預言家, 在他的音樂中所呈現的詩情和大自然的柔和性正說明了他的興趣所在。葛利格第二號小提琴奏鳴曲創作於1867年, 屬於早期作品。他的風格受到舒曼的影響, 但是已經顯現出葛利格獨特的音響色彩, 列賓把它稱為"19世紀的莫札特", "真摯又自然的作品" (zt)

This sonata was dedicated to Norwegian composer and violinist Johan Svendsen.

On the second sonata, Schjelderup remarked: it is "the gift to the world of a man who has also shivered in the cold mists of night." Also, due to the sonata's tragic qualities, he considered the piece more Norwegian than the first sonata and "a Norway without tragedy is not a complete Norway."

When Grieg presented the sonata to his teacher Niels Gade, he proclaimed the work "too Norwegian" and professed that his next sonata should be less Norwegian. Grieg, reportedly, in defiance claimed that his next sonata would be even more Norwegian.

Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg wrote three violin sonatas. They are all fine examples of his musical nationalism, since they all contain references or similarities to Norwegian folk song

The violin's primary and secondary themes from the first movement are presented below
The three Sonatas for violin and piano by Edvard Grieg were written between 1865 and 1887.

  • Violin Sonata No. 1 in F major, Op. 8 was written in Copenhagen in 1865.
  • Violin Sonata No. 2 in G major, Op. 13 was written in Oslo (then Christiania) in 1867.
  • Violin Sonata No. 3 in C minor, Op. 45 was completed while Grieg was living in Troldhaugen in 1887.

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