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弗兰得狂欢节 La Kermesse héroïque(1935)

(2012-04-11 02:46:52) 下一个

: 雅克·费代尔

编剧: Charles Spaak / Bernard Zimmer
主演: Françoise Rosay / Micheline Cheirel / Lyne Clevers
类型: 喜剧 / 历史 / 爱情
制片国家/地区: 法国 / 德国
语言: 法语
上映日期: 1935-12-03
片长: 110 分钟 / USA: 95 分钟
又名: 弗兰德狂欢节 / Carnival in Flanders

Carnival in Flanders is a 1935 French historical romantic comedy film directed by Jacques Feyder. Its original French title is La Kermesse héroïque and it is widely known under that name. A German version of the film was made simultaneously and was released under the title Die klugen Frauen.

   1936年 威尼斯电影节 Outstanding Screenplay, Original 雅克·费代尔
   1936年 美国国家评论协会奖(NBR Award) Best Foreign Film 
   1936年 威尼斯电影节(Best Director) 最佳导演 雅克·费代尔 

[Plot] In 1616, when Flanders is under Spanish occupation, the town of Boom, in the midst of preparations for its carnival, learns that a Spanish duke with his army is on the way to spend the night there.

Fearing that this will inevitably result in rape and pillage, the mayor — supported by his town council — has the idea of pretending to be newly dead, in order to avoid receiving the soldiers. But his redoubtable wife Cornelia despises this strategem and organises the other women to prepare hospitality and to adapt their carnival entertainments for the Spaniards (who insist on entering the town anyway).

Such is the warmth of the women’s welcome that not only do the Spaniards refrain from misbehaviour, but on their departure the Duke announces a year’s remission of taxes for the town.

Cornelia allows her husband to take the credit for their good fortune, but she has in the meantime thwarted his plans for their daughter to marry the town butcher instead of the young painter Brueghel whom she loves.

[感想] 西班牙侵略荷兰那段历史,不是那么懂,因为去看画 在谈到荷兰画派时总爱提及那段历史, 前端时间看的那部油画电影《磨坊和十字架》, 看完了到现在还感到郁闷, 因为电影里表现的西班牙侵略者太残忍, 而且电影又是无声的, 荷兰人被欺压不能反抗 只能无声流泪, 看着就气,

这下好了,同样的一段历史, 法国人拍的有声有色,让人在笑声中思考

自己也觉得好奇曾经的Flander,也觉得很奇怪当年不可一世的西班牙人为什么会丢失抢来的世界? 拉丁败给盎格鲁撒可逊? 猎人更能战能抢? 

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