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UB40 - Red Red Wine by crosfan

(2012-02-06 03:22:54) 下一个

Red, red wine, go to my head,
Make's me forget that I
Still need you so.

Red, red wine, it's up to you.
All I can do, I've done;
But mem'ries won't go.
No, mem'ries won't go.

I'd have thought that with time
Thoughts of you would leave my head.
I was wrong, and now I find
Just one thing makes me forget.

Red, red wine, stay close to me.
Don't let me be alone;
It's tearing apart
My blue, blue heart.

I'd have thought that with time
Thoughts of you would leave my head.
I was wrong, and now I find
Just one thing makes me forget.

Red, red wine, stay close to me.
Don't let me be alone;
It's tearing apart
My blue, blue heart.

不知为什么自己也很喜欢UB40的歌,他的歌让人轻松愉快,也很喜欢他特殊的音色:很鼻音很pacific很伦敦郊区(有牙买加人住的),他这种节奏就像在梦幻和现实摇摆, 雾都伦敦和和阳光的太平洋的来回穿梭, 喝了红酒就更晃了, 谢谢Crosfan的介绍

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