前一阵法国电视上听过到法国歌星FlorentPagny用西班牙语唱《LaFoule》,非常喜欢,我一直在找他唱这支曲子的video..."> 前一阵法国电视上听过到法国歌星FlorentPagny用西班牙语唱《LaFoule》,非常喜欢,我一直在找他唱这支曲子的video..." />
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Foule - François Matton
前一阵法国电视上听过到法国歌星Florent Pagny用西班牙语唱《La Foule》, 非常喜欢,
我一直在找他唱这支曲子的video clip, video clip没找到,倒是意外地知道法语歌曲《La Foule》改编于一首阿根廷老歌《Que nadie sepa mi sufrir不要让人知道我的痛苦/无人知道我的痛苦》。
《La Foule》为世人熟知应该感谢法国歌后Edith Piaf,但《La Foule》歌的内容和原曲的内容大不相同,阿根廷歌曲《Que nadie sepa mi sufrir》是说一位失恋的男子在他的心上人离去后非常痛苦,而Edith Piaf唱的《La Foule人海》是说:一对男女在人海中快乐相遇,又被人群冲散了。。。 拉丁民族的歌热情哲理伤感,人情味十足。
每次无论回国探亲,度假还是与朋友们聚会, 欢笑快乐之余我会感叹人生的好时光为什么总是那么短暂, 也可能只有孩提时代人才是无忧无虑的,也只有孩提时代才会抱怨时光老人走路怎么介么慢吞吞的。
找歌词时读到一篇文章:《眼角挂着笑,心里全是泪》,(http://rongrongpudding2007.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!80E021BE90CB481E!149.entry) 一句话画龙点睛, 生活是笑也是泪。这样的歌曲几百年后再来听也是爱听的, 几百年后? 我都不知道上帝会送我去哪了,嗨哟.
谢谢Florent Pagny的唱让我顺藤摸瓜跑到了热情的拉美去了,卷入人生的歌舞中.....
Que nadie sepa mi sufrir 不要让人知道我的痛苦
Edith Piaf- La foule 人海
Florent Pagny
( http://blog.myspace.cn/e/402025036.htm)
Que nadie sepa mi sufrir
No te asombres si te digo lo que fuiste un
ingrato con mi pobre corazón por que el
fuego de tus lindos ojos negros alumbraron el
camino de otro amor y pensar que te adoraba
tiernamente que a tu lado como nunca me senti y
por esas cosas raras de la vida sin el beso de tu
boca yo me vi
Amor de mis amores, amor mio que me hisiste que
no puedo conformarme sin poderte contemplar ya
que pagaste mal a mi cariño tan sincero
lo que conseguiras que no te nombre nunca mas
[ Find more Lyrics on http://mp3lyrics.org/3trh ]
Amor de mis amores si dejaste de quererme no hay
cuidado que la gente de eso no se enterara que
gano con decir que un hombre cambio mi suerte se
burlaran de mi que nadie sepa mi sufrir
No te asombres si te digo lo que fuiste un
ingrato con mi pobre corazón por que el
fuego de tus lindos ojos negros alumbraron el
camino de otro amor y pensar que te adoraba
tiernamente que a tu lado como nunca me senti y
por esas cosas raras de la vida sin el beso de tu
boca yo me vi
¡Morime de amor sin q nadie sepa mi sufrir!
Amor de mis amores si dejaste de quererme.....
La Foule
The song was originally composed by Angel Cabral and the original lyrics by Enrique Dizeo, both of Argentine origin, in 1936. It was composed by them as a Peruvian Vals or Waltz, which between the 1930s - 1950s was a very popular musical genre in Spanish speaking America (The song is called "Que nadie sepa mi sufrir", and is one of two Argentine composed Peruvian waltzes that were regional hits, being "Amarraditos" the other). "Que nadie sepa mi sufrir" was composed in 1936, almost twenty years before Edith Piaf heard it from the 1953 recording by Alberto Castillo (the first recording was done in 1936 by Hugo del Carril). Edith Piaf did not care for the original lyrics (exact translation is "Let no one, know my suffering") and changed the theme of the song completely creating the world hit that is known today as "La Foule". The original lyrics are clearly meant to be sung by a heartbroken man who has been abandoned by his lover, whereas the Edith Piaf song keeps the heartbreak in the context of a dazed girl who falls for a man in a crowd and then loses him almost immediately. The rhythm respects the 3/4 of the regular Waltz, but as a Peruvian Waltz, requires a light step and a much faster tempo
was a song sung by famed French singer Edith Piaf, released in 1957. The song was written by Michel Rivgauche and composed by Angel Cabral.