"Loin de Paname" Artist: Nora Arnezeder
About the Movie:
The film which is about a struggling theater during the political turmoil of France during the 1930's and how the theater full of misfits start to hit their stride when they discover a talented singer named Douce (Nora Arnezeder) and the crew of the Chansonia become a big hit.
1936年,位於巴黎的「新天堂劇院」,因為老闆向黑道借高利貸, 資金週轉不靈而宣告歇業;在劇院待了大半輩子的畢哥也就此失 業,相依為命的兒子因無力扶養,被社會局送回母親身邊。他向 兒子承諾,一定努力使兩人再團聚。為了重振新天堂劇院,畢哥 與兩個老同事,米魯與賈基,三人想出奇招,找來美麗的歌舞女 郎杜絲,用音樂歌舞為號召重新開張。美麗的杜絲與新奇的表演, 引來當初出借高利貸的黑道大哥想分杯羹,而共同奮鬥的夥伴們 也意見紛歧…。儘管面臨棘手問題,但畢哥還是抱著堅毅樂觀的 精神,要再次贏回工作與兒子。由法國金牌製作人賈克貝漢重金 打造,重現昔日巴黎街景歌舞場面,本片榮獲2009年法國電影奧 斯卡-凱薩獎「最佳電影配樂」、「最佳音效」…等5項大獎提名。
** all music are samplers only please purchase original materials 所有的音樂只是試聽請購買原裝版本 **