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巴黎著名的夜总会(cabaret) - 疯马(le Crazy Horse)

(2009-12-20 09:10:12) 下一个


57岁的Arielle Dombasle

Crazy Horse Paris》是巴黎的一家著名的高级歌舞厅, 1951年成立,主要是看表演,这家Cabaret没有红磨坊和丽都那么名气在外,但艺术性更强些吧,很多法国的艺术家也喜欢来这表演,比如最近法国影星歌星Arielle Dombasle 在Crazy horse与其它舞女一起表演,要知道她都已经57岁了, 在电视上她的身体线条看上去还与其他舞女差不多, 另外有的时装设计师把他们时装表演还搬到《Crazy Horse》来表演。2009年10月底Crazy Horse的女郎们还在巴黎春天百货大楼的橱窗里表演(见下面MV)

Crazy Horse , 好没去过,刚到巴黎的时候,住在埃菲尔铁塔附近的一studio,在rue saint dominique附近,那段时间常常在附近散步,周末的时候就走远些,穿过Alma 桥(戴安娜也就是在那附近遇难), 再走到香榭丽舍大街, 常常路经Crazy Horse  , 那时是学生,从没想过要进去,什么时候去看一次,对,附近还有一家电影院叫Balzac 巴尔扎克电影院,散步回来的时候就往AV.Montagne绕回来,再去塞纳河附近转转。AV.Montagne 那都是时装大师的老巢名店, 我印象最深的是有Christian Dior ,Chanel 名店。

后来有孩子后我们就搬家了,搬到巴黎近郊, 当 很少往那边散步了。 没有孩子的时候,我经常在老巴黎各区游走,有些地方很熟,步行找路没问题。  很感慨住在巴黎最市中心那段时间,真正感受了老巴黎的姿色的,住在郊外后,忙于生活,孩子,都很少去巴黎市中心,有时觉得住在郊外,除了食物外,都感受不了太多老巴黎, 这和住其他地方,都差不了太多, 只要能收到法国电视的话。

后来是从电视上知道Crazy Horse 的主人自杀了,觉得很难过, 其实他也不认识我,我也不认识他,我完全可以不会把这事放心上,可每当我听到有人这样结束生命我都会很难过,我想他们一定有外人看来不觉得有什么,可对他们来说就是很难受的原因,过不去的坎。那天从电视上看到介绍Crazy Horse及其排练, 介绍编舞Philippe Degoufle,他们对每一个动作,身体和面部的pose, 角度都很研究。

不觉得这些表演有什么淫秽黄色,觉得人体很美,把人的欲望人性化艺术化的表演展示出来,很高雅,艺术。奇怪的是什么东西移到法国人手里就变艺术了,而在他人手里,这些表演也许就表现得庸俗下流了,低级趣味了, 可能还是那句话,仁者见仁,智者见智,观念不一样,就是同样对Desir, 法国人觉得应该是大大方方享受 , 而另一些文化觉得这事见不得人的,偷鸡摸狗似,弄得鸡飞蛋打的。其实法国还是一个非常注重传统的国家。

我从小受的家教多少是属于三从四德的那种,因为母亲从小上私塾也就是受这些教育,母亲给我们姐妹说的基本上就是增广贤文里的那些语录, 来法国后,受老法们多年的潜移默化,我还是我,还是以前那个传统女子,可至少我可以理解接受他们的一些观念,我觉得法国人最大的可取得就是他们敢于正视承认人性的弱点,也很会从各方面享受人生,享受生活,也是,这么美的表演,看看应该没什么, 没有什么必要躲闪, 这也是人生。

Le Crazy Horse Saloon or Le Crazy Horse de Paris is a Parisian cabaret known for its stage shows performed by nude female dancers and for the diverse range of magic and variety 'turns' between each nude show.. Its owners have helped to create related shows in other cities, and unrelated businesses have used the phrase "Crazy Horse" in their names.

The Paris Crazy Horse occupies former wine cellars (12 in all - knocked together) of an impressive Haussmanian building at 12 Avenue George V (from King George V, in French "George Cinq").

Alain Bernardin opened it in 1951 and personally operated it for decades until his death by suicide in 1994. Many of the original waiters (their names stitched in large letters onto the back of their waistcoats) were also substantial shareholders in the original company.

The dancers are deliberately chosen to be indistinguishable on stage in height and in breast size and shape. As of 2008, the enterprise remains a family business, now in the hands of Bernardin's three now very grown-up children. Using the name "Le Crazy Horse de Paris" for the original, "Le Crazy Horse de Singapore" for a similar but now-defunct show in that city, and Crazy Horse Paris for one in Las Vegas (formerly La Femme) at the MGM Grand.

Along with its dancers, the Crazy Horse has also been a popular venue for many other artists, including magicians, jugglers, and mimes. Bernardin explained that he loved magic because it corresponded with his vision: "[Magic] is a dream. There is no show that is more dreamlike than a magic show. And what we do with the girls is magic, too, because they aren't as beautiful as you see them onstage. It's the magic of lights and costumes. These are my dreams and fascinations that I put onstage." [1]

Under new management, Crazy Horse has recently started featuring famous or prestigious artists stripping for a limited number of shows, such as Dita Von Teese, Carmen Electra, Aria Cascaval, Arielle Dombasle or Pamela Anderson[2][3]. They have also hired Philippe Decouflé as choreographer.

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