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[法国香颂] 棒棒糖 Les Sucettes和其风波 - France Gall

(2009-10-07 05:42:53) 下一个

"Les Sucettes" song (from French "lollipops") is one of France Gall's most important hits along with "Poupée de cire, poupée de son", both written by Serge Gainsbourg. The 1966 single proved a great success and became a classic in French pop music. The song established a new trend for erotic double entendres in pop music.

"Les Sucettes" was, on the surface, a pleasant children's song. But, unknown to Gall, the lyrics were filled with strong sexual innuendo and sexually humorous puns.  According to Gall, she performed the song as a simple children's song about a girl who loves aniseed-flavored lollipops and was completely unaware of the erotic subtext of the lyrics, which involve extensive, playful double meanings referring to oral sex. Gall was filmed singing "Les Sucettes" for television programs, with actions and props playing on the sexual references. Gall did not realize until later why the filming attracted so many visitors to the set.

The 18-year-old Gall was upset upon finally learning the truth about the lyrics--"mortified, hiding herself away for weeks, refusing to face anyone". Gall said that she had sung Gainsbourg's songs "with an innocence of which I'm proud. I was pained to then learn that he had turned the situation to his advantage, mocking me." In a 2001 television interview, Gall said that she felt "betrayed by the adults around me."[citation needed]

Gall's discovery of this second, sexual meaning led to the breakup of the successful partnership between Gainsbourg and Gall[4] and caused Gall, throughout her later life, to turn her back on the Gainsbourg period and most of the songs he wrote for her.

However, much of the humor lay in the fact that the song was sung, unknowingly, by a young innocent girl and Gainsbourg took a different view: "It's the most daring song of the century," he claimed in an interview in the magazine Rock and Folk.

 我听歌有时是没注意歌词的,只顾旋律节奏美, 没想到这首歌还有这么多风波,这个Gainsboug , 蛮《反动》的, 但现在这首歌已经成为法国的经典香颂吧,法国人是很《自由散漫》滴说!

Poor France was too young to understand what she was singing about at the time.
Serge Gainsbourg was a genius to make an innocent childrens song about .... English translation below!

Annie aime les sucettes,
Les sucettes à l'anis.
Les sucettes à l'anis
Donnent à ses baisers
Un goût ani-
Sé. Lorsque le sucre d'orge
Parfumé à l'anis
Coule dans la gorge d'Annie,
Elle est au paradis.

Pour quelques pennies, Annie
A ses sucettes à l'anis.
Elles ont la couleur de ses grands yeux,
La couleur des jours heureux.

Annie aime les sucettes,
Les sucettes à l'anis.
Les sucettes à l'anis
Donnent à ses baisers
Un goût ani-
Sé. Lorsqu'elle n'a sur la langue
Que le petit bâton,
Elle prend ses jambes à son corps
Et retourne au drugstore.

Pour quelques pennies, Annie
A ses sucettes à l'anis.
Elles ont la couleur de ses grands yeux,
La couleur des jours heureux.

Lorsque le sucre d'orge
Parfumé à l'anis
Coule dans la gorge d'Annie,
Elle est au paradis.


Annie likes lollipops,
Aniseed lollipops
Annie's aniseed lollipops
Give her kisses
An aniseed taste.

And when the barley sugar,
Perfumed with aniseed,
Slides down Annie's throat
She is in paradise.

For a few pennies (sounds like penises in french)
Gets her aniseed lollipops.
They have the colour of her eyes,
The colour of happy days.

Annie likes lollipops,
Aniseed lollipops
Annie's aniseed lollipops
Give her kisses
An aniseed taste.

When on her tongue
Just a small stick remains,
She jumps to her feet
And returns to the drugstore.

For a few pennies, Annie,
Gets her aniseed lollipops.
They have the colour of her eyes,
The colour of happy days.

When the barley sugar,
Perfumed with aniseed,
Slides down Annie's throat
She is in paradise.

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