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专辑英文名: Deviations Project 专辑中文名: 背离计划 艺术家: Deviations Project 资源格式: MP3 发行时间: 2007年
Deviations Project is a British electronic music duo comprised of producer Dave Williams and international violin sensation Oliver Lewis. Dave and Oliver have recreated some of the world’s most revered classical pieces, layering the warm, acoustic tones of the violin over lush, swirling, synthesized harmonies. Pieces such as Tchaikovsky’s ‘Swan Lake’, Bizet’s ‘Carmen’ and Bach’s 'Sonata in G Minor’ have been crafted with modern music technology, while 20th Century classics such as Mike Oldfield’s ‘Tubular Bells’ and Fleetwood Mac's ‘Albatross’ take on a truly classical feel under Oliver Lewis' magic touch.
《Deviations Project 背离计划》与 Neurodisc 出品的其它专辑一样,毫无例外的达到了精品的高度。小提琴作为声音最优美的乐器之一,一向被誉为是弦乐之王。那么将它的音色配上电子背景乐又会产生如何的效果呢?Deviations Project 背离计划 带给了我们这次新颖的尝试。在这张2007年新近发行的团队同名首张专辑中,Oliver Lewis 负责专辑的小提琴演奏部分。著名古典曲目的全新演绎,经典的小提琴音乐与电乐的结合为我们带了全新的感受!
同时,这也是 Deviations Project 的后台东家 Neurodisc (西尔德斯)出品的极为少见的古典跨界专辑。
01. Really Big Swans 02. Tootin' Carmen 03. Ladies On Lavender 04. Deviations 05. Tocata in Fog 06. Les Belles 07. She Too 08. Albert Ross 09. Medication 10. Swan Fake 11. The List 12. Nuclear 13. Dear Old Swanney 14. Frogger 15. O2 16. Barking 17. The Car Men