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法国经典电影《雨中怪客 Le passager de la pluie》(1970)

(2009-09-25 05:58:58) 下一个



故事发生在法国南方一海滨小镇,有位叫 Mellie 的女人,五官非常精致,身材是相当的好,不高不矮, 穿着很可爱,性感。丈夫是航空公司的飞行员,常年世界各地带出跑,很少在家,所以她常一人守着那栋很大很漂亮的房子 , Mellie 的妈妈,一位漂亮年轻的单身母亲常来看她, 与她做伴, 父亲早年因母亲的背叛而离家出走。 Mellie 的童年因父母的不合,而留下了些阴影, 但也无法影响她仍是一位天性快乐的女人,有点大大咧咧的,父亲给她起名叫 Melodie, 所以叫么 Mellie .

影片已开始就是一位穿米色雨衣的高个陌生男人在雨中从班车下来,来到这个小镇, 他站在那,目光很阴森可怕,这一幕都被 Mellie 看到了, 可做梦也没想到,她平静的生活却被这位陌生神秘的男人的出现而打破,接着发生了一系列她意想不到不到的事, Mellie 看上去是那种头脑简单的女人,但后来她用她那点可怜的小聪明跟她周围的人都周旋 , 看上去很笨拙,可 还行得通,而且非常可爱, ……

影片中出现的法国女人都是那种典型的南方法国女人:有点任性可爱,我行我素,不论年龄身材保持的相当好,当然影片中都是演员,可现实生活里法国南方女人也是这样。 夏天喜欢穿浅色,很合身的衣裙,不像巴黎总是那么灰灰黑黑一大片,休闲出门时,她们 爱提个大的草编,藤编的篮子,或大草包去购物,法国人没多少人拎LV包的,当然我承认LV包很结实,用了多少年还是好好的,颜色也很好配衣服,最近我的一位好朋友告诉我,亚洲人喜欢LV的钱包,还带有点迷信的说法,可能是冲LV二字 LV也可以解释为长久,好了先别跑题。

我知道这部影片还是因为 听了 francis Lai 的音乐,借来看,刚一看开头,就有点不想往下看了,因为影片开头真是很恐怖,当时又是夜深人静的,我想停下放映,可我又想 francis Lai 参与配乐的影片几乎都是很好看的电影,法国 50 , 60 , 70 年代的影片,也就是二战后他们拍了很多很有艺术欣赏人性价值的好电影 , 既然今天还放在书架上,那一定有可看之处, 何况影片中还有一位美国演员,是我喜欢的, Charles Bronson, 他演的警探长角色都是那种很斗智很冷幽默的,一幅胸有成竹的样子,看他演的电影都学很多东西,周密的思维和推理,所以还是看完吧,确实后来是越看越有趣,特别是 Melly 和上校的斗智周旋很有意思,两人的关系也变得很微妙......

还是很好看的一部 thriller 电影:法国人真厉害,这么一个有点黄色暴力的故事,被他们也拍得却那么浪漫,有情调, 也许就是法国人那种人生哲学 , 没有绝对的对和错,所有的人和事都是有存在的缘由( raison d’etre )。 尽管是恐怖片,但Francis Lai 的音乐以彻底将片子整个《软化》, 一派法兰西情调:漂亮的女演员,法国南方小镇 , 法国南方小镇普通人悠闲的生活:享受爱,享受生活,美食,阳光,空气,大海 ……  而最后一幕很人性的结尾,让人震撼,那感觉留在心头让人久久挥之不去, 你会说:这..., 怎么可以这样呢?对,又怎么了?! 就可以这样的,我们是人,大写的 人。 

Le passager de la pluie

Rider on the Rain (French: Le passager de la pluie) is a 1969 French mystery thriller film starring Charles Bronson, directed by René Clément, produced by Serge Silberman, with film music composed by Francis Lai.

Plot summary

In a god-forsaken, off-season French seaside town we meet Marlène Jobert starring as the diffident, nail-biting, beautiful and lonely Mélancholie "Mellie" Mau, who watches a mysterious stranger step down from the bus into the pouring rain. He follows and eventually rapes her, while her husband (an airline navigator) is away from home. However, when coming to her senses again, she manages to kill her attacker and dispose of the corpse. She decides to keep quiet about the whole incident to avoid complications with her jealous husband. — Enter Charles Bronson as the tough US Army colonel Harry Dobbs, who is out on undercover work trying to track down a serial rapist who has escaped from a military stockade in Germany. He confronts her and she is shocked that he seems to know exactly what has happened, but she sticks to her story of knowing nothing. Since the Colonel is less than forthcoming about his own mission, she also starts to worry about her absent husband possibly being implicated in something shady. Then a dead body is discovered on the beach where she dumped the rapist's body, and further complications ensue...



In 1970 the film won the Special David of the David di Donatello Awards. In 1971 it won the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, was nominated for Best Motion Picture of the Edgar Allan Poe Awards, and for the Golden Laurel.


Rider on the Rain is also the main theme of the original movie soundtrack (with lyrics by Sébastien Japrisot and sung by French chansonette Severine). The American singer-songwriter Peggy Lee wrote English lyrics for the song, and recorded it on her 1971 album Make It With You as "Passenger in the Rain."

歌词 Paroles Francis Lai Le Passager De La Pluie

je me souviens sous la pluie
le ciel couleur de la mer
comment du temps le plus amer
aimer cette mélancolie
je t'ai connu trop tard,toute une vie trop tard venu de nulle part passager de la pluie
je me souviens sous la pluie
comme une enfant dans le noir
criant qu'on lui rende le jour
criant qu'on lui rende l'amour
et soudain oui le ciel s'éclaire tu es là,je marche à nouveau dans tes pas,je n'ai plus de vie dans tes bras
oui je me souviens sous la pluie
dans le sable de mes jours

mon coeur veut te revoir un jour
mon coeur est comme au premier jour
je t'ai connu trop tard toue une vie trop tard ami de nulle part passager de la pluie


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