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世界著名男低音Thomas Quasthoff 谈音乐,歌唱, 生活

(2009-09-23 04:46:10) 下一个

Thomas Quasthoff 说:人声human voice 是所有乐器里最具色彩的乐器。

确实Thomas Quasthoff 说得很对,看看我周围的人没有几个是用自己爱好来挣钱,有的工作下来,爱好也被挤掉了。 所以说上帝是公平的, 上帝一不小心,让他在形体上有些和我们不一样,可另外方面,上帝又给Thomas Quasthoff大大的补偿:给他一副令世人瞩目的好嗓子。

俺已经订票了要去他的音乐会,去聆听他奇迹般的声音,订的是第一排, 其实第一排是太近了点,音响也不是最好的,但很有现场感, 我要用我自己的眼睛耳朵去目睹,去聆听,去体验其实生活还是很美的 Life actually  is beautiful,  一般我喜欢的音乐家的演出,我尽量争取坐前面,演奏家们对第一排观众的微笑是很自然的,对后排的就职业一些,像上次去看指挥家Colin Davis 和Nelson Frere的同台演出,当他们演出完谢幕时,我举起我的相机拍照时他们俩都向我和相机调皮的微笑, 给我印象很深。

Schubert: Winterreise, Der Lindenbaum / Thomas Quasthoff & Maria João Pires(著名的巴西钢琴家)

Franz Peter Schubert (1797 - 1828).

Winterreise, D. 911.

Thomas Quasthoff.
Maria João Pires.

5. Der Lindenbaum.

He comes to the linden tree, with its pale flowers and heart-shaped leaves. that stands at the gate; in the shade of this tree he has dreamt many beautiful dreams, and in the bark he has carved words of love. It was his favourite place. Now he passes it with his eyes shut, even though it is deepest night, but the branches rustle to him, 'Come here old comrade, find your rest here'. A gust of wind blows his hat off, and many hours afterwards he remembers the tree, and it seems to say 'You should have found your rest here.' It is a tacit invitation to suicide. (In Die Schöne Müllerin by the same author the rejected lover actually drowns himself and finds rest in the friendly brook where he dies.)

Winterreise (Winter Journey) is a cycle of 24 poems by Wilhelm Müller, best known as the song cycle set for male voice and piano by Franz Schubert (D. 911, published as op. 89 in 1827). It is the second of Schubert's two great song cycles on Müller's poems, the earlier being Die schöne Müllerin (D. 795, op. 25, 1823). Both were originally written for tenor voice but are frequently transposed to suit other vocal ranges - the precedent being established by Schubert himself. These two works, in their scale, their dramatic coherence and power, their musical and literary unity, and their interpretative demands, stand in a league of their own within the song-cycle genre. Indeed, although Beethoven's cycle An die ferne Geliebte (To the distant beloved) had been published earlier, in 1816, Schubert's two cycles hold the foremost place in the history of the genre.

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