法国薰衣草 (热门博主)
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(2009-07-31 04:07:56) 下一个

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◆简  介:
  When the young woman Tristana's mother dies, she is entrusted to the guardianship of the well-respected though old Don Lope. Don Lope is well-liked and well-known because of his honorable nature, despite his socialistic views about business and religion. But Don Lope's one weakness is women, and he falls for the innocent girl in his charge, seduces her, makes her his lover, though all the while explaining to her that she is as free as he. But when she acts on this freedom, Don Lope must deal with the consequences of his world-view.

年轻的女人特莉丝塔娜母亲死的时候, 她的委托监护人是受人“尊敬”的堂.路普. 堂.路普表面是众所周知的麻烦绅士,但堂.路普着不可告人的致命弱点喜欢侵犯女人,他开始对清白无辜的特莉丝塔娜 进行诱惑和骚扰,虚伪的堂.路普想将她占为己有,布努艾尔又一次将镜头对准资产阶级的虚伪冷漠,以及这种虚伪冷漠对美对生命的压抑和摧残

观后感:这里的中文介绍写得太生硬了,  Don Lope 并不是那么可怕的人,比如当他和Tristana一起走在街上, 看到一个小偷拎着偷的手提包在逃,后面的警察追来时,警察问他们,你们看到一个小偷跑过来了吗?Don Lope 说有,他故意指相反的方向, Tristana很吃惊说,你怎么故意指错方向让小偷跑走呢?Don Lope 说,小偷是社会里的弱势,警察是强势,我们要帮助弱势的;这真是和我们受的教育很不一样,我们是喜欢把人放在不同的阵营,类别,一锤定论,可人性就是复杂的,一个人有好的一面也有不好的一面,善良可恶都会并存,都是相对的,看比例多少,大多数人应该是生性善良,生下来就是坏种的应该极少吧,还是周围的人和环境也促成造就的多。

凯瑟琳·德诺芙 Catherine Deneuve .... Tristana
Luis Aller .... (uncredited)
José Blanch .... (uncredited)
José María Caffarel ....
José Calvo .... Bellringer
Ximénez Carillo .... (uncredited)
Antonio Casas .... Don Cosme
Fernando Cebrián .... Dr. Miquis
Saturno Cerra .... (uncredited)
Antonio Cintado .... (uncredited)
Jesús Combarro .... (uncredited)
Adriano Domínguez .... (uncredited)
Jesús Fernández .... Saturno
Antonio Ferrandis ....
Lola Gaos .... Saturna

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