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I had the time of my life(舞台版) - 伦敦音乐剧 Dirty Dancing(热舞)!

(2009-02-25 14:45:06) 下一个
音乐剧《Dirty Dancing 热舞》自2006年10月在伦敦西区Aldwych剧院上演以来,深受观众的喜爱,已赶超《悲惨世界》、《歌剧魅影》等经典剧目. 音乐剧《辣舞》是由著名同名电影改编,故事发生在60年代的美国,讲述了一个妙龄少女(Baby)随家人度假认识了一位才华横溢的舞者,在学习跳舞的过程中,和他陷入热恋的爱情故事,影片中有很多脍炙人口的歌曲。

前不久,薰衣草有机会在伦敦Aldwych Theatre欣赏这部歌舞剧,一部非常让人感动歌舞剧!戏中的故事情节基本上和电影《Dirty Dancing 》差不多,与电影不同的是这一切都要在这个小小的舞台上展现,舞台布景非常漂亮,灵活。看舞台剧让人感到非常亲切,热舞非凡!剧场不大,大概容纳400人左右,就是坐在后排你都不觉得离舞台很远。演员们的表演非常漂亮帅气,通过他们的对话和美妙舞蹈,我看到了一个活泼朴实, 热情大方的Baby(Frances "Baby" Houseman)和神奇的爱情。Baby她是那么心底地善良, 当一个素不相识的女舞者急需钱,她二话没说就找她父亲,拿了200美元去帮助那位女人, 然后那位女舞者和她的舞伴Johnny一起教Baby 跳舞(见下面一图),再学跳舞的过程中,Johnny 与Baby深深相爱, Baby的父亲起先很反对他心爱女儿跟Johnny在一起,Johnny离开了Baby, 然而又是爱让Johnny回到了baby 身边,最后两人一起合作演绎那一处精彩的热舞《 I had the time of my life》,Baby 最初一点也不会跳舞,老踩舞伴的脚,笨笨的,最后跳得是那么娴熟,漂亮,潇洒,她那著名的一飞舞(见图1)把全剧推向高潮。。。 大家不约而同站起来鼓掌,眼含着泪花。。。当演员谢幕时,演Johnny的演员邀请大家一同随着音乐跟他们起舞,这时真个剧院就像一个热闹非凡的盛大的Party!充满着热情和激情的Party! 就算你的邻座你从来都未谋面,可又怎么样呢?
Just Dancing! Super Dancing!



In the 1960s, Frances "Baby" Houseman, a sweet daddy's girl, goes with her family to a resort in upstate New York's Catskill Mountains. Baby has grown up in privileged surroundings and all expect her to go on to college, join the Peace Corps and save the world before marrying a doctor, just like her father. Unexpectedly, Baby becomes infatuated with the camp's dance instructor, Johnny, a man whose background is vastly different from her own. Baby lies to her father to get money to pay for an illegal abortion for Johnny's dance partner (Johnny is not the father). She then fills in as Johnny's dance partner and it is as he is teaching her the dance routine that they fall in love. It all comes apart when Johnny's friend falls seriously ill after her abortion and Baby gets her father, who saves the girl's life. He then learns what Baby has been up to, who with and worse - that he funded the illegal abortion. He bans his daughter from any further association with "those people". In the first deliberately willful action of her life, Baby later sneaks out to see Johnny - ostensibly to apologize for her father's rudeness - and ends up consummating her relationship with Johnny. A jealous fellow vacationer sees Baby sneaking out of Johnny's bungalow the next morning and in an act of retribution, tells management that he is responsible for a theft the evening before, knowing he would not furnish his real whereabouts. In an act of bravery, Baby states that Johnny is innocent, and alibis him by confessing that they were together all night. This revelation causes a huge rift in the family and Baby makes an impassioned speech to her angry and bereft father. At the closing night performances, and although he has been fired and banned from attending, Johnny returns and takes the stage to tell everyone about the woman whose faith in him and whose courage changed his life. They do one final show-stopping dance together. Baby's father learns that Johnny was not responsible for his partner's pregnancy and learns to accept that although his beloved daughter is transitioning to womanhood, she will always love him. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092890/plotsummary

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