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爱的旋律Lambada - Lambada Dance Party Kaoma

(2008-11-29 12:45:15) 下一个

Lambada 舞起源于巴西,兼并了carimbo, reggae, salsa et merengue. 几种舞的特点。 最初只是流行于南美洲,80年代末90年代初,一位法国的制片人去巴西后,带回了Lambada的节奏,与Kaoma歌舞队合作推出风靡法国的《Lambada》,不久又有一部电影叫《The forbiden dance is Lambada》, 从此Lambada流传到世界的每个角落。然而,有人喜欢Lambada, 有人却说Lambada 太过性感,这么好看的舞蹈,想那么多干吗呢,喜欢跳就跳吧,喜欢看的就快乐得欣赏吧。

Lambada, 爱的旋律,爱的舞蹈,爱的旋风,听到如此欢快的节奏,看到这样热情快乐的舞者,难道你的心跳会减慢吗? La vie est belle,  Love Lambada!爱生活,也要爱与我们共存的大自然。


Lambada (pronunciation ) is a fast, sensual Brazilian dance for couples or groups, typically performed with the stomachs touching. The dance became internationally popular in the 1980s. The exact origin of the dance is in Brazil and has forerunners such as the forró, sayas, the maxixe, and the carimbó.

Carimbó dance

Main article: Carimbó

Since the time Brazil was a Portuguese colony (which happened between year 1500 a.c. till 1822 a.c.) there was a common dance in the north part of the country called Carimbó. It was a loose and very sensual dance in which the woman tried to cover the man with many spins and rounded skirts. The music was played mainly among beats of drums made of trunks of wood, thinned by fire.

As time passed by, the dance changed as did the music itself. It had many influences from the Caribbean music due to its geographical proximity, and a reminder of this is that even today one can listen to Caribbean radio stations when at some north states of Brazil like the Amapá state. This strong relation also generated some new rhythms like the Sirimbó and the Lari Lari, and so it changed forever the way the Carimbó was danced.

As time passed by, the dance changed as did the music itself. It had many influences from the Caribbean music due to its geographical proximity, and a reminder of this is that even today one can listen to Caribbean radio stations when at some north states of Brazil like the Amapá state. This strong relation also generated some new rhythms like the Sirimbó and the Lari Lari, and so it changed forever the way the Carimbó was danced.

The word Lambada

After a while, a local radio station from Belém (Pará's capital city) started to call these new type of music as "the strong beated rhythm" and "the rhythms of Lambada" (Lambada is another word in local language for a strong hit). This last name "Lambada" had a strong appeal and began to be associated with this new emerging face of an old dancing style.[1]

The word Lambada is an obscure Brazilian Portuguese word, and refers to the wave-like motion induced in a whip. This flowing wave motion is reproduced by the dancer's bodies, and is one of the main elements that distinguish Lambada from other Latin dances.

Two-beat dance style

Around 1983 the Carimbó dance started once more to be danced in couples, in a 2-beat style, something very close to Merengue, but with many spins.

The Lambada music

Aurino Quirino Gonçalves, or simply Pinduca is a Brazilian musician. He is a very well known singer at the north of Brazil (Amapá and Pará area), where it is strongly believed he is the true father of the Lambada music.

Pinduca is a musician and composer of mainly Carimbó. He is the singer and composer of the "King of Carimbó" (as it is affectionately known) and he created rhythms, such as: Sirimbó, Lári-Lári, Lambada and Lamgode.

The musician and composer of carimbó, Pinduca, launched in 1976, a song entitled Lambada (Sambão), track number 6 of the LP No embalo of carimbó and sirimbó vol. 5. It is the first recording of a song under the label of Lambada in the history of Brazilian popular music.

Some support the version that the guitarist and composer Master Vieira, the inventor of the guitarrada, would also be the creator of the Lambada music. His first official disc, Lambada of Quebradas, was recorded in 1976 but officially launched two years later, in 1978.

In the 1980s, the fusion between the metallic and electronic music from Caribbean brought again a new face to the Carimbó. This style started to be played throughout the north-eastern region of Brazil (a place well known for its tourist approach), although this new Carimbó went with the name of Lambada.

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