[职场生涯] 和乔道别
(2009-09-04 13:41:34)
我曾经在公司里教过一段中文,常来的学生就两个,其中一个是乔. 乔跟我不在一个部门但是在同一个研发大楼里。乔为人非常平和谦虚,对中国文化很有好感,其实他跟中国一点渊源都没有,既没有娶个中国太太,也没有领养中国小孩,他就是结识了一些中国同事,从此对中国产生了好奇心。
乔有点结巴,起先我没太在意,后来他才告诉我他十年前患有Parkinson’s Disease,一直在吃药治疗,因为药物有副作用,让他注意力很难集中,他很想停下来,可惜效果不佳。这个病也因此影响了他的工作,他不得不花比平常人多的时间来完成任务,更何况我们做研发的经常有project deadline.
It’s not the end of the world, by any means. I believe God could be using this to open new doors for me. At any rate, I’m still me and it’s possible I’ll be back, especially if there are any medical breakthroughs soon. Right now my plans are to do some extensive writing (look for me on the bestseller list someday!) and help out with some of the homeschooling of our kids.It’s been a joy to get to know and work with all of you, and I truly appreciate the opportunity to have spent 5 great years here. I’ll come around for lunch now and then … and, like I say, there’s always the possibility I could be back.