


(2009-07-17 04:58:36) 下一个


今天中午在公司进行了一场艰苦卓绝的wallyball比赛,和常规比赛头号种子Mitchel and Candy’s team争夺这个wallyball赛季的决赛权。 第一局就打了30分钟,可见争夺之激烈。印象最深的是第三局,我们开局不利,一度以49落后,后来硬是一分一分地赶上来了, 追成九平,可惜功亏一篑,连失最后关键的两分。比赛结果是有些遗憾,不过也算不错了,我和andriy 都是第一次打wallyball league,经验还不足,能够给#1team 这么大challenge已经难能可贵了。

大家在比赛后一起开心聊天数十分钟,我们都是volleyball fan,聊起volleyball and wallyball都有很多共同语言。后来回到办公室开始工作时,却怎么也静不下心来,突然想起在大学里打排球的青葱岁月。

我们学校每年在樱花盛开的季节都会展开各个系之间的三大球赛,排球也是其一。那时候我们系有几个爱打排球的女孩子,除了苏受过正规训练外,其他人都是一腔热血热爱排球的业余选手。不过凭着初生牛犊不怕虎的精神,我们大一第一次亮相时就出手不凡,甚至吸引了好多外系的排球迷, 可惜最后经验不足输给老道的生物系没能打进决赛。第二年卧薪尝胆,卷土重来,又是运气不好止步于决赛场外,那时候年轻气盛,受不了打击,输了球之后我们都哭了,不知道今后还有没有勇气继续打下去。

第三年也就是我们都是junior的时候, 我们鼓起勇气再度披衣征战,终于打进决赛圈,和老牌劲旅生物队争夺冠军。决赛那天在学校的体育馆进行,争夺异常激烈。打到决胜局时,我们一度落后,最后终于追到14平,最后怎么赢的都记不清楚了,反正拿到冠军后大家又哭了,为了三年不懈的努力,也为了大家都热爱的排球。是这个小小的球让我们走到一起,让我们欢喜让我们忧。




Hi All,


Today’s match is really a tough but exciting one. I wish I could have sport anchor’s talent to give you guys details about it in a more vivid way. J I will try my best.


We really gave #1 team challenge at the first beginning with the score of 3:0, but they caught up quickly with a tie, then both of the teams moved up the score alternatively until  10:10, they had the luck in the final two balls and won the first game 12:10. It’s the longest wallyball game I had so far, approximately lasting 30 minutes. J


We fought back in the 2nd game and led the game all the time although they caught up the score closed to 3 points behind, We didn’t make mistakes anymore and ended the game in 10 minutes with 11:8.


At the beginning of the 3rd game, we somehow didn’t have fortune, we were fallen behind even when the score was quickly reached to 4:9, but we didn’t give up, after many servers were exchanged, we got the points moved up one by one and tied them with 9s. However, the #1 team used the correct strategy in the end and got the final two points. 


No matter what the result is, I am very proud of what we got so far.

I really appreciated everyone’s involvement in this wallyball league,

I wouldn’t get so much fun without your play and help.


Hope to see you often in the court . (Either volleyball or wallyball).

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