

Valentine’s Day

(2009-02-15 11:13:46) 下一个

大概世上还没有不喜欢Valentines Day 的小孩子, 因为除了收到一堆卡片外, 还有小孩子们最爱的糖果, 情人节本来就是甜甜蜜蜜的嘛. 唯有我家六岁半的二宝逆流而行, 他们英文写作老师让他们选个题目写情人节, 写喜欢还是不喜欢这个节日, 只有我们家二宝写了不喜欢. 下面是他的理由, 他哥趁机嘲笑他不喜欢情人节还吃那么多糖. 
I hate Valentine’s Day because I hate candy, because it has sugar, and on Valentines’ day, you have lots of sugar. The next reason is because I don’t like the color red, there is a lot of red in Valentine ’s Day. The last reason is because I don’t like hearts. On Valentines’ day, there is a lot of hearts.

顺带附上另一篇二宝的习作. “我喜欢读书”
I love reading because it can tell you knowledge. It can also tell you history. Books like dictionary tell what words mean. Books like the resources give you other words from one word. Some books are non-fiction, other books are fiction. Do you like books? I like knowledge because it tells me new things like science. I like famous people like George Washington because he made us win the revolutionary war.

三宝今年第一次正式在幼儿园过情人节, 吃了好多糖, 当然乐得合不拢嘴. 从学校拿回一张班上的同学LIST, 孜孜不倦地开始研究起来,  经过指点后几乎可以看着名单认全所有18名小朋友的名字, 他们班印度小孩很多, 有些名字很饶口, 他也能说个差不离. 看看我家的小丘比特的英姿, 他们老师也够有创意的, 这身小行头也太可爱了!

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