[人在他乡] Earthquake Relief
I write you today as a beggar. I want your help asking for money. I arrived in Beijing 6 days after the earthquake. Although no one in the BJ office has lost a family or a loved one the staff is grieving. There is a donation box in the lobby that our staffs are generously contributing to. The staff contributions are over $5000 at this time. In solidarity, American staffs have contributed over $5000 to relief efforts bringing BJ staff donations to $10,000. I think it would be a welcome gesture for our HQ to match staff donations.
It would mean a lot to me and it would mean a lot to the staff if our company joined some of the other corporations in helping the relief efforts. On a human level a corporate donation shows compassion. On a business level, a corporate donation boosts staff morale by showing a commitment to the country. The collected funds will be going to the Chinese branch of the Red Cross.
Yesterday at 2:28 I watched as Beijing stood still. Traffic in one of the world's largest cities stopped. Weeping crowds held hands in Tiananmen Square as all of China was silent for 3 minutes. Afterwards I went to the lobby of the R&D center and emptied my wallet into the donation box.
Our company has given me the opportunity to make a work home in Beijing. The people and the place have changed me forever. A few years ago I watched in horror as my first home (New Orleans) went under water. I have the same feeling of loss as I watch the images in the media and the aftershock on the faces. If I were younger and stronger, I would go help clear rubble. As an old fat man, I do the next best thing, I beg for relief money. There are many worthy causes to donate. Like Katrina in New Orleans, this one is personal for me.

p.s. 这个星期公司高层最后终于决定MATCH employee’s donation,打破了以往的惯例,可喜可贺。