老夫妻俩非常仁慈,我们刚刚来时,他们总是体谅到我们的手头不宽裕,就常常把自己不用的东西送给我们,比如双人沙发(虽然旧些,质量却很好),还送长裤,T - 恤等等,虽然我们并不一定缺少这些衣服,然而其心可嘉,感人至深!
From: Robert Sanderson <
Date: March 13, 2010 12:21:51 PM CST
Subject: Martha Sanderson obituary
MarthaLavern Masden Sanderson was born March 26, 1925 in Lebanon Junction,Kentucky. She passed away March 12, 2010 at the Pallative Care unit ofUAB.
Martha was predeceased by her parents Sherley Troutman Masden and Carrie Perkins Masden and her brother S. C. Masden.
Survivorsinclude her beloved husband of 61 years Paul E. Sanderson. Alsosurviving are sons Ray, wife Lucia, David, wife Renata and Dr. Robert Sanderson, wife Kim, all living in Birmingham.Three precious grandchildren survive, Lauren and John David Sandersonand Sophia Sanderson, born March 11, 2010. Martha also has twosurviving sisters, Joyce Kunzie of Orange Park, Florida and FayJeffries of Louisville, Kentucky. Several nieces and nephews alsosurvive.
Martha graduated from Campbellsville College and Western Kentucky University. She taught school two years prior to her marriage to Paul and beginning their ministry service.
Marthaand Paul served as Baptist missionaries to Brazil for twenty-two yearswhere they developed a deep and continuing love for the Brazilianpeople. During their ministry, Martha was very active in the BrazilianBaptist WMU program. After Martha and Paul returned to the states dueto Martha’s pervasive health problems, Paul served as Pastor of Central Baptist Churchin Talladega. Following Paul’s retirement from Central Baptist Church,Martha continued in her supportive and active roll in the ministry forGod’s Kingdom. She and Paul were very active in teaching English as asecond language at Baptist Church of the Covenant, First Baptist Church of Birmingham, and Shades Mountain Baptist Church. She also played a strong supportive roll in Paul’s interim ministries at Maytown Baptist Church, Tannehill Valley Baptist Church, and as Chaplain of Mount Royal Towers. Martha and Paul most recently were active members of Berney Points Baptist Church. Berney Points was their stateside church while on the mission fieldand their home church after retirement. She also served as surrogatemother and grandmother to many internationals that lived here inBirmingham. Her home and her heart was always open to those withoutfamily nearby, specially during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
Services will be performed at Currie-Jefferson Funeral Home Memorial Gardens, 2701 John Hawkins Parkway (Highway 150), Hoover, AL 35244 on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. Visitation will begin at 12:00 pm with the memorial service celebrating her life following at 2:00 pm.