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(2023-04-08 17:18:08) 下一个


The day between Good Friday and Easter should have a more well-known name. Some call it Black Saturday. It’s that horribly bad day when things have all gone inconceivably wrong and the situation could not possibly get any worse. Black Saturday offers a lesson for anyone feeling oppressed by the world’s realtime, reckless race toward repression and chaos.

If it’s possible, the lesson is even more pronounced for our secular friends.

The first century followers of the God-Man suffered under measureless government persecution. Not only were they oppressed by unbearable Roman taxation and the two-tiered Roman justice system — by law, Romans were treated as higher-class citizens — but they were also constantly harried by their own evil Jewish government that had weaponized their religious beliefs against them.

Does any of that sound familiar? There’s nothing new under the Sun.

Anyway, the disciples, convinced they were doing the right thing, had thrown in with someone who was CLEARLY the Jews’ long-awaited Messiah — the prophesied appearance of the one who would settle all scores, right all wrongs, and restore peace and justice once and for all. They’d watched Jesus perform miracle after supernatural miracle, so they felt pretty sure they were on the winning side.

But then yesterday, Good Friday, the unthinkable occurred. The government had arrested and then executed their Messiah in the lowest, most detestable form of punishment reserved for heinous criminals and traitors — and no legion of angels had appeared at the last minute to teach the bad actors a lesson they’d never forget.

Instead, their Messiah quietly gave up the ghost and that was that.

To put it mildly, the now leaderless disciples were feeling pretty low. Their personal situations looked especially grim. Their only hope had winked out faster than a central bank digital currency account being suspended for a low social credit score. Their account balance of hope for peace, justice, and restoration had vanished forever, and there was no other currency. Buh bye.

You might be worrying about where the world’s headed these days. Stop for a second, and give a moment’s thought to the dispirited disciples’ tragic plight back in 30 AD.

But in spite of how awful things look now, how utterly hopeless you think it is, everything can change for the better in one day. In Jesus’ case, it’s a historical fact and a hope even for non-believers: Jesus either rose from the dead, or SOMETHING ELSE happened that caused Christianity to unstoppably march into place as the dominant faith in the Roman Empire, until it ultimately even became the default state religion.

You could say it was a miracle.

You might disbelieve in the Resurrection, and doubt whether the rise of Christianity was good thing for humanity or not, but that’s not the point. The point is, in this crazy world of ours, under the right conditions, the defeated underdog can beat all the odds and become the victorious top dog in 24 hours.

So now matter how dark things look, no matter how completely dystopian or fantastically irrational things appear, a total turnaround could be right around the corner at any moment. Happy Black Saturday!

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Freda2012 回复 悄悄话 Yes. The most important thing is having faith and never giving in. A total turnaround could be right around the corner at any moment.

Happy Easter to all!
晚妆 回复 悄悄话 最后一段开始是no matter 还是 now matter.
Faith_Joy 回复 悄悄话 Have Faith! Happy Easter!