孤舟蓑笠翁502007-12-11 17:44:47回复悄悄话
Adorable mom and son and the memory! Isn’t Christmas one of the sweetest things to a little child and the Santa! It brings out so much of our inner self – a good natured little boy and a loving and caring mom!
I used to leave a letter by the cookie telling my kids how proud Santa is to their progress through the year and what Santa is looking forward for the next year! I remember the increasing challenges of pretending to be in Santa’s tone and signature!
We could create heaven on earth! Best wishes to you and your family – have a great holiday season!!
I used to leave a letter by the cookie telling my kids how proud Santa is to their progress through the year and what Santa is looking forward for the next year! I remember the increasing challenges of pretending to be in Santa’s tone and signature!
We could create heaven on earth! Best wishes to you and your family – have a great holiday season!!
我儿子小时候,很早就知道了这个秘密,还把这个秘密告诉了同班的几个女孩子。那几个女孩子哭得像个泪人一样,好几个家长找到我们家, 我们只好替圣诞老人买了很多礼物送给她们。