凛子2008-01-29 05:52:47回复悄悄话
I like your writing style very much. Plain words with some philosophical thinking.
孤舟蓑笠翁502007-12-11 19:34:17回复悄悄话
I would agree completely if either party (or both) proceeded the divorce with no third party’s involvement – have some decency (if he has any :).
Otherwise, please don’t waist energy creating 冠冕堂皇的理由中伤对方 (like here the wife was just a woman with no spiritual taste and elegance etc.). 尽可借用“莫须有”啊. The energies saved can be used completely for the third party – isn’t it a win-win situation!
anie2007-11-29 20:38:56回复悄悄话
Good comments! If I continue it will be - Men will receive respect from their wives if they continue respect their wives. The respect should come from HEART (not making it as a must do task or even a task one has to do but not even willing to do) so the respect will be shown on daily communication and behavior or even a face expression. I believe Gold Rule will play.
We are so deeply in sin so we make it so hard to do. It’s not hard to respect friends, co-workers, etc but the person we know so well and we chose to be live in the same roof.
If is so true that tolerance is one of the key factor to keep the marriage going. And it is also so true that selfishlessness is the basic condition to make the tolerance possible. Yet, this must come from both sides otherwise one side will reach the tolerance threshood and start thinking about leaving.
I am not trying to be "pessimistic". Some times, one of the reason for a man to stay with problematic marriage is sex. Once he reaches certain point in his life when he no longer weights the sex as much as personal satisfactory at other fronts, the marriage is no longer an attraction.
Sorry for this "straight talk". It appears that some wives want to blaim the broken marriage on their husbands' unfaithfulness to the marriage. Yet I believe they should also realize that, as it is unblievable as it sounds, there are many men actually weight the marriage very heavily. But some want to get out so badly simply because they do not feel to be respected even though they have been trying so hard, selfishlessly, to respect their wives, yet do not get selfishless respect from the other half.
anie2007-11-28 20:55:17回复悄悄话
I used to read an article some where saying that when women ask for divorce they may have different reasons men only have one reason that is he has an affair. It’s true for what I saw around me. I believe if Lao Zheng didn't have the new lover he would never ask for divorce. He survived for 20 year why not more?! Good couples are those who are willing to change themselves to match the other half. The result is that they will be changed to match each other. Danial Neal(I believe he is an inventor) was asked a question. What are the rules you live by? He answered: “…That and tolerance. It’s about listening to other people’s perspectives on problems and needs and being open to them, and being willing to change your point of view” Selfish person only see his or her needs and problem and can’t see other’s even the one lived together for years.
laojie2007-11-28 06:00:16回复悄悄话
回复SunDiego的评论:"or a satisfying spirit?" -- Based on this story, do you really believe that Lao-Zheng is after a "satifying spirit"? If you are a woman, you don't know men; if you are a man, you don't know yourself (I assume you are honest).
Good point but what's more important, a clean floor or a satisfying spirit? I think at different stage people value them differently. Yes I am pretty sure 老郑 miss the clean floor but as long as he can tolerate a dirtier floor, everything will be good.
Otherwise, please don’t waist energy creating 冠冕堂皇的理由中伤对方 (like here the wife was just a woman with no spiritual taste and elegance etc.). 尽可借用“莫须有”啊. The energies saved can be used completely for the third party – isn’t it a win-win situation!
We are so deeply in sin so we make it so hard to do. It’s not hard to respect friends, co-workers, etc but the person we know so well and we chose to be live in the same roof.
If is so true that tolerance is one of the key factor to keep the marriage going. And it is also so true that selfishlessness is the basic condition to make the tolerance possible. Yet, this must come from both sides otherwise one side will reach the tolerance threshood and start thinking about leaving.
I am not trying to be "pessimistic". Some times, one of the reason for a man to stay with problematic marriage is sex. Once he reaches certain point in his life when he no longer weights the sex as much as personal satisfactory at other fronts, the marriage is no longer an attraction.
Sorry for this "straight talk". It appears that some wives want to blaim the broken marriage on their husbands' unfaithfulness to the marriage. Yet I believe they should also realize that, as it is unblievable as it sounds, there are many men actually weight the marriage very heavily. But some want to get out so badly simply because they do not feel to be respected even though they have been trying so hard, selfishlessly, to respect their wives, yet do not get selfishless respect from the other half.
Good point but what's more important, a clean floor or a satisfying spirit? I think at different stage people value them differently. Yes I am pretty sure 老郑 miss the clean floor but as long as he can tolerate a dirtier floor, everything will be good.
SAM333 :俺就怕看到全心全意付出的女人,往往没有好结局。
laojie 、卡夫 、suiyuan9 砂锅2 浪漫樱花、心灵之约 等一干网友们:老郑两口子的日子挺不正常的,他们两个人的沟通存在严重问题。从某种意义上说老郑也算有良心,等到女儿离家了才提出离婚。
真妮说的极是。不过俺还想再加一点儿,婚姻“大多”是没有对错。只是合适不合适。至于说爱情,想来大伙听说过这样一个说法:结婚是爱情的结束,生孩子是爱情的坟墓。这话可能过于极端。也别说老蔫儿太悲观。曾和几个年轻朋友交流过。没有人能很好地回答“什么是爱情”。而且通常女孩儿在一开始还能描述几句。就这话茬儿反问几句词儿就没了。不少男孩儿一开始就是一张问号的脸。当然这是在男女朋友,或少夫妻不在一块儿时问的。必须承认,这个问题太复杂。对年轻人来说,太理想化。对年龄大一些的人来说,什么都干过,什么都经历。问了半天,结果只剩下 “亲情”二字。