firstone2008-02-24 19:57:31回复悄悄话
Sorry, I should say at that moment there was no patient.
firstone2008-02-24 19:56:28回复悄悄话
Thanks for the information. But that was what the doctor told me:"You are the only patient here tonight".
firstone2008-02-24 15:44:01回复悄悄话
Not sure about the health care system. It seems a lot more difficult and taking more time here to get what you want. I was put in the emergency room for 4 hours when there was no patient in the midnight simply because the hospital want to make money from the insurance.
Sorry, I should say at that moment there was no patient.
Thanks for the information. But that was what the doctor told me:"You are the only patient here tonight".
firstone, 急诊室不按时间收费。值班医生一次只能有几个病人在手上。你虽然看不到其他病人,但他肯定有其他病人还没有看完。如果你有严重的问题,前面管分流的护士自然会报告的。