2011 (1)
2015 (202)
2018 (96)
2019 (96)
2020 (225)
2021 (151)
2023 (106)
2024 (113)
脸书FB整固两个月,然后拉升, 这个的探戈已然跳了三个季度。这个季度也许再来一次?
投入12400;到期高于170最大盈利7600 (61.2%);到期低于160最大亏损12400(100%)。
Disclaim: The author is not a Registered Investment Advisor or a Broker/Dealer. The author’s discussions do not serve as recommendations or suggestions for buying or selling any stocks or other instruments. The information contained in the blog is provided as is without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.