2011 (1)
2015 (202)
2018 (96)
2019 (96)
2020 (225)
2021 (151)
2023 (106)
2024 (113)
“The underlying principles of sound investment should not alter from decade to decade, but the application of these principles must be adapted to significant changes in the financial mechanisms and climate.”
"上乘的投资原则不会改变,但具体运用则要随时随地应变。"—Benjamin Graham
“The main difference between me and other people who have amassed this kind of money is that I am primarily interested in ideas, and I don’t have much personal use for money. But I hate to think what would have happened if I hadn’t made money: My ideas would not have gotten much play.”
"与别的有钱人不同在于我感兴趣的是挣钱的主意而不是钱,我个人不怎么花钱。我不愿去想像没钱会是什么境况,那只能是我的想法未能实践。"—George Soros