
“你是条龙, 到哪都是条龙”“你是条虫, 在讲也是虫”‘学会好武艺, HUO (卖)于帝王家”兄弟要齐心, 小了, 齐家, 大了, 安邦.

又到九月十五了. 乱写...(后面英文部分是朋友转来的, 我少改了些)

(2010-08-17 08:15:07) 下一个
又到九月十五了. 乱写...

(后面英文部分是朋友转来的, 我少改了些)

又到九月十五了, 一年里四个半这样的日子, 原本很正常的日子, 但近来心里很不是滋味.

TAX, 税日. 要交预付税了.

税原本很正常的事情, 因为人住在某一个地方, 人有责任义务拿出部分收入, 去帮助这里的环境, 教育, 基础建设及社会福利.

但近来看到太多, 领取救济金的人群, 一眼看去, 我看到的是那些”麻烦”人群. 原谅我如此说, 我非种族主义之人, 但近来发现自己开始有此类倾向了. 所以随手写写, 权当是对自己的口诛吧, 其警戒作用.

感觉TAX, 税务变味儿了, 脱离了原来宪法中的基本原则. 尤其开车时候听到有采访, 一人甚至说, “who will take care me?”. (谁来照顾我?). 人应该自己照顾自己呀. 我赚钱, 因为努力, 我付税, 因为我想我居住的地方美丽. 我不想因为别人饿, 就要分吃我的牛排. 事实上, 分一天, 分两天都好, 但不应该变成立法, 长久持续稳定地增长分享下去.

人应该努力工作, 当前的社会在鼓励的”依赖”而非自强. 美国很多问题, 但美国从来都提供给人受教育的权利, 工作的权利. “穷”孩子一样可以有学上, 无息贷款; 只要想工作, 有的是工作给你. 人为何不可以去快餐点, 超市干呢? 有报道说, 有人好可怜, 一天工作10几个小时, 每小时8美元, 但要面对4个孩子. 是可怜, 政府社会安定也在帮忙, 这些疼痛, 以前我想说, 为何他年轻的时候没有努力学习, 而是在吸毒, 喝酒, 放荡, 所以现在$8/小时. 但看以后, 他的孩子不会饿死, 政府在帮忙, 其实是大家在用税帮忙, 他的孩子有机会学习, 有机会改善生活. 但人还是要靠自己, 自己的努力与否, 多会祸及福荫家人的. 用不着去抱怨, 提起裤字去干就好.

富有, 不是一代人的努力的, 是几代人的完善. 是整体社会应该一直鼓励努力工作, 付出而得, 才形成的.

但当今美国感觉越来越多的在剥削真正劳动者. 从17岁以来, 我从来没停止过工作. 高二前的暑假, 哥几个要出去玩, 我去做过火车站扛大包, 每天背后军装一个V字形状的汗碱, 奶奶看着心疼, 说, “你挣多少呀? 我给你.” 我拒绝, 因为我开心拿自己赚来的钱去花. 因为当时我没别的本事, 我扛包. 我干过园丁, 摸过自己毕业的学校的每一棵树, 甚至现在, 那校园中几个漂亮的花圃, 是我一块块捡出的碎石, 一点点的修建好的. 这经历一直到现在还列在我的简历里, 自己好自豪. 我挣过朋友家的$1000美元现金, 我帮他们的新的大屋, 在屋前后修建了漂亮的花圆. 那是一块块巨大的石头, 我一块块砸开, 一块块搬挪, 堆砌, 甚至做出了梯田状的层次. 好自豪的, 拿着那$1000美元我好开心. 花的也很自然. 当时爸爸妈妈说过, 不要我担心学费, 生活, 但我还是喜欢自己干. 后悔的事情是没有选择已经录取意向的哈佛, 去了洲立大学. 这份钱省得不应该.

朋友的孩子 来美读书, 汗, 朋友的孩子都上大学了. 我去陪他入学, 安排了尽可能的一切. 并建议, 去图书馆或计算机房找份工, 有赚点零花, 还能有时间看书. 朋友的孩子, 摇头, 不可能去打如此低层的工作. 零花钱也足够. 下面一句就是想我帮他买悍马, 然后他爸爸再不得不还钱给我. 和朋友是兄弟, 以前是, 但我这脚没踹下去在他儿子身上, 因为不确认, 此子是他的儿子? 朋友还是原来的朋友?

70年代的我, 真的老了? 不理解了. 快四张的人了, 看顾好自己的家人, 照顾好少时混闹留下的伤的身子吧.

税呢, 要付的. 税局, 警察, 抓良民是很准确, 不忧郁的.

但心理不舒服, 看到付出, 换不回所在地的进步, 而是持续稳定地增长的”依赖”族群.



This one is a little different...... Two Different Versions....
.............. Two Different Morals


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building
his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a
fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away..

Come winter, the ant is warm
and well fed.

The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he
dies out in the cold.

responsible for yourself!


The ant works hard
in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house and
laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool
and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press
conference and demands to know why the ant should be
allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving.

CBS, NBC , PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to
provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a
video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.

America is stunned by the sharp contrast.

How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed
to suffer so?

Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper and everybody
cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green...'

ACORN stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house
where the news stations film the group singing, "We
shall overcome." Then Rev. Jeremiah
Wright has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper's

今天的President condemns
the ant and blames
以前的President, 再以前的President(S), 甚至发现美国大陆的Christopher Columbus, and the
Pope for the grasshopper's plight.

当前的政客们 exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has gotten
rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both
call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make
him pay his fair share.

Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity &
Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of
the summer.

The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to
pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the Government Green Czar and given
to the grasshopper.

The story ends as we see the grasshopper and his free-loading
friends finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is
in, which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house,
crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn’t
maintain it.

The ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again.

The grasshopper is found
dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now abandoned, is taken over
by a gang of spiders who terrorize the ramshackle, once prosperous
and once peaceful, neighborhood.

The entire Nation collapses bringing the rest of the free world with it.
STORY: 咋办呢?
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