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谢谢丁冬的好故事 :-)

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谢谢丁冬的好故事 :-)

来源: Z.A08-03-20 09:06:56


我知道有人把biking当作next to religion的事。我虽然是个新手,但是在有限的陆地飞翔的体验中,已经很能理解为什么有人会对此热爱如斯。

速度并不稀奇,谁还没做过飞机?但是biking让你觉得速度是那样的real。用你自己的身体突破空气阻碍的感觉,是布什同志那种cowboy behind windshield永远体会不到的。

但是我做不到像jesse那样视死如归. 这个世界上有要我牵挂的人。当你爱上别人,接受别人的爱,甚至当你参与创造新生命以后,你的生命就不属于你一个人了。为了我爱的,和爱我的人,我必须珍惜自己.

我很喜欢我的bike, 但我只会treat my woman like a queen .



来源: dingdong7432108-03-20 08:24:52

I just read this episode about the biker, posting here especiall to Z. A: I have already done "knocking the wood" for you, I think you better do the same before you read on....

(Jesse was a biker, killed by a truck on the road. Marilyn is his wife. Nate is the guy holding the funeral for Jesse and below is the conversation between Marilyn and Nate, which I love very much every time I read it...)

Marilyn: I'm glad I could spend one last Christmas with Jesse. He was a crazy son of a bi*tch, but I sure loved him.

Nate: (smiles) I can tell.

Marilyn: (smiles back) God, did he know how to live! It was full-throttle all the way! We met in Sturgis, back in '78. (sits next to NATE) I was sitting at The Broken Spoke with the biggest bad-ass in town, but Jesse (laughs) he had some balls on him. He walked right up to me, I'll never forget it, and he said: "If I don't ask you to take a ride with me, I'll regret it the rest of my life." And that ride lasted 23 years. He always said his 2 favorite things were riding his hog and riding me (NATE smiles), and he treated us both like queens.

Nate: You're probably wishing he treated himself as carefully.

Marilyn: Oh, honey, it just wasn't in his blood. If he were a careful man, he might have lived longer, but... would he have enjoyed his life as much? Would I have enjoyed his life as much?

NATE smiles.

Nate: I had a bike in high school. Had it for a week before I wiped out. Just fu*cked it up royally! (MARILYN laughs) I still have a pin in my foot. I never got back on a bike after that.

Marilyn: Oh, I could never give it up. No way! Closest thing to flying without leaving the ground.

Nate: Sometimes I fool myself into thinking I live my life to the fullest but, compared to you and Jesse, I think I've got a lot to learn.

Marilyn: (smiling broadly) Honey, if I were a few years younger, I'd be willing to teach you.

Nate: Well, I just might let you.

She laughs.

Marilyn: Jesse always said you've gotta live every day like you might die tomorrow. 'Cause you know what?...

Nate: ...you just might.

She takes a big swig from a bottle of Jack Daniels, and makes a grimace as she swallows. She hands it to NATE and he also takes a swig. He grimaces even more than she did as he swallows it down, and she laughs again. He does too.

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