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yawtg: 奔双打--车轮遭遇战中的发球和接发(及评点)

(2014-03-05 14:56:55) 下一个

yawtg: 奔双打--车轮遭遇战中的发球和接发(及评点)

发信人: yawtg (yawtg), 信区: Dok_Tennis_Salon
标  题: 奔点双打的吧.车轮遭遇战中的发球和接发.
关键字: 网球,发球,奔,视频
 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar  5 12:49:18 2014, 美东)








 ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 199.]

发信人: dokknife (老刀_温柔一刀客), 信区: Dok_Tennis_Salon
标  题: Re: 奔点双打的吧.车轮遭遇战中的发球和接发.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar  5 13:00:30 2014, 美东)

very good fights, excellent games and enjoyable matche.

 yeah, your serve is very powerful and good placement, it is one of your
 weapons in playing games. seems most are 1st powerful serve and Aces, how
 was your 2nd serve stratagem?

 white guy was also very good in serve, and good play although a little slow
 in movement.

 good pairs in dbl.


发信人: yawtg (yawtg), 信区: Dok_Tennis_Salon
标  题: Re: 奔点双打的吧.车轮遭遇战中的发球和接发.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar  5 13:11:21 2014, 美东)

White guy? You mean the guy in gray blue and the tallest with 8 straight
 service winners in second set? Man, his serve must be over 110mph. Next
 , I will retreat back with 3 or more feet to receive and don't even think
 attack on his second serve. My services in 3rd set were not as accurate and
 powerful as in the previous sets, sign of getting old.

 ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 199.]

发信人: yawtg (yawtg), 信区: Dok_Tennis_Salon
标  题: Re: 奔点双打的吧.车轮遭遇战中的发球和接发.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar  5 13:19:55 2014, 美东)

Some services in the video are second serve, you can tell since my failed
 first services were in the video. Some were just my second serve, since I 
cut my first serve in the video.

 I also commentted on second serve in the middle of the video.


发信人: dokknife (老刀_温柔一刀客), 信区: Dok_Tennis_Salon
标  题: Re: 奔点双打的吧.车轮遭遇战中的发球和接发.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar  5 13:22:47 2014, 美东)

yes, he was very good in serve, many aces.

【 在 yawtg (yawtg) 的大作中提到: 】
: White guy? You mean the guy in gray blue and the tallest with 8 straight

发信人: VitD (VitD), 信区: Dok_Tennis_Salon
标  题: Re: 奔点双打的吧.车轮遭遇战中的发球和接发.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar  5 13:39:28 2014, 美东)



发信人: blacklodoss (flyingChopStick), 信区: Dok_Tennis_Salon
标  题: Re: 奔点双打的吧.车轮遭遇战中的发球和接发.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar  5 16:55:35 2014, 美东)

Placement + the side spin works much better than pace, it's easier on the
arm too. My friend who has that style of serve (3 years ago he was just a 4.
0, and I was able to double bagel him), is holding his ground at
open tournaments, even the 5.0s can't do much about it. 5.0s does recognize
this things and make adjustment quicker though.

That 2nd serve ace of yours is very impressive, it hits the side before
reaching the back wall. That's always been my goal for deuce side wide, I
don't care about the pace, but I do want it to hit the side fence before the
back fence.

【 在 yawtg (yawtg) 的大作中提到: 】
: Blacklodass 眼尖: that guy was a captain of my major opponent team a few
: years ago, whose team prevented my team from advancing to state, though I
: never played against him directly before.
: Having taken your and Dok's advices the other day, I have adopted more
: spin nowadays on my serve, especially when I try serve to the body. You
: tell the effects in the video from the receivers, such as first set on ad
: side, a guy in green shirt, and second set on ad side as well, a lefty in
: red shirt, were jammed by my side spin many times, both first serve or
: second serve.
: However, I was not reacting quick enough to block ball back from that tall
: ...................


※ 修改:·blacklodoss 於 Mar  5 16:58:13 2014 修改本文·[FROM: 67.]
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发信人: blacklodoss (flyingChopStick), 信区: Dok_Tennis_Salon
标  题: Re: 奔点双打的吧.车轮遭遇战中的发球和接发.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar  5 16:57:02 2014, 美东)

I think you move much better than him, and probably react faster too. I'll
pick you over him for dub's partner lol

【 在 dokknife (老刀_温柔一刀客) 的大作中提到: 】
: good comments "Nothing fancy, just good old school tennis"......
: exactly as I thought but I didn't know how to express it in your concise
:  and words......lol
: yes, nothing fancy, but very efficient and good dbl partner, I realy like
: his style. We shared many similarities in dbl games.......lol


※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 67.]

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发信人: yawtg (yawtg), 信区: Dok_Tennis_Salon
标  题: Re: 奔点双打的吧.车轮遭遇战中的发球和接发.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar  5 17:07:59 2014, 美东)

Same here. Wish we can have a chance to play some time.

Well, I dare not to play a long match agaist you but love to try both
singles and doubles as long as we can find good partners.


【 在 dokknife (老刀_温柔一刀客) 的大作中提到: 】
: yeah, your serve added some extend side slice and did show very difficult
:  receivers not only  power and speed, but side spin...... kind like my
: , although yours more powerful and higher speed than mine, and my serve
: maybe more selected and wider placements.......lol
: any way, it would be very interesting and intensive games if we meet each
: other with good partners paired as u did in this video. wish to meet you
: court some day.....
: good show!
: side
: can


※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 199.]

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发信人: yawtg (yawtg), 信区: Dok_Tennis_Salon
标  题: Re: 奔点双打的吧.车轮遭遇战中的发球和接发.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar  5 17:21:48 2014, 美东)

My great honor to be picked up over him :)

Actually, this tall guy and the guy in first set in green shirt are 4.5

I played a mixed double indoor two week before this with one 4.5 guy and two
4.5 ladies. That guy's serve even with more power, moves super quick. But I
can handle more than half of his serve like using one hand backhand to
block it back and forehand to lob back. He is just not as tall as that tall
guy in the video. Maybe the height makes difference.

However, the 4.5 guy in mixed doubles always either hit super super strong
flat forehand or chop any ball back to any places he wants to, way too hard
to handle. Meanwhile, two 4.5 ladies, as to me, are just equivalent to
strong 3.5 gentleman players.

【 在 blacklodoss (flyingChopStick) 的大作中提到: 】
: I think you move much better than him, and probably react faster too. I'll
: pick you over him for dub's partner lol
: way


※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 199.]

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发信人: dokknife (老刀_温柔一刀客), 信区: Dok_Tennis_Salon
标  题: Re: 奔点双打的吧.车轮遭遇战中的发球和接发.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar  5 17:34:46 2014, 美东)




【 在 blacklodoss (flyingChopStick) 的大作中提到: 】


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