发信人: Lancet2008 (麦叶刀), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: 刀客庄园纪行—05-09-2009
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 11 17:00:56 2009)
老刀会后我接着on call,今天有机会坐下来给大家汇报一下老刀会盛况。
其二,儿子Lancet Jr整天追着我屁股问那个Castle里有没有King?曾许诺如果他连着4
个星期的学校Report 优秀,可以带他去看看;
年,他向我介绍了美国医学体系和CMG Survive 的诀窍。
Lancet Jr则和另外一个女孩在庄园Castle里里外外不亦乐乎地寻找梦幻中的King,
Mrs Lancet跟在他们后面追得满头是汗……
畅谈中,不觉已是夕阳西下,余辉映着刀客刚毅的古铜色的脸。由于第二天On call,
我不得不向刀客请别,唤回Lancet Jr,驱车返乡。
晚霞投下的树影不时地扫过车窗,一轮明月悄然跃上了地平线。 我深深为中国人考
board群体的壮大而欣然, 为中国人前所未有的凝聚力而欣然。CMG不仅数量上在壮大
,而且领域在拓宽,已涉及Orthopedic, Ophthalmology, Surgery等外国人以往难以涉
,Lancet Jr 一辈不在寻找梦幻中的King,而要做真正的King!



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老刀会的篝火 |
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发信人: medlamb (麦地小羊), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: 老刀会归来
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 10 15:34:27 2009)
Just coming from the Laodao meeting, I enjoyed the meeting very much because
it cleared some of my
questions about the match. I am writing my experience on the airplane to
share with you all especially for
those people was not able to attend the meeting this year.
Overall, based on attending's talk, the road to board is hard but definitely
achievable. Do your best. You
will succeed.
For steps, never go for the test until you are fully ready. However, getting
lower scores is not the end of the
world, try to improve your other credentials.
For observer-ship, the more the better, it doesn't have to be the same
specialty you want to apply because
all of the clinical departments all integrated and you just need to know how
the system is working.
For application,go for more than one specialty if possible, you never know
which program likes you and
which is hot this year. However, if you are dedicated to one area with
strong past related experience, you
will save some time.
For interview, be prepared, research the program and their people's work,
while talking, try to tell your own
stories and cover most of the time, this way, the interviewer will have less
chance to throw hard questions
on you. Be very strong on your positive side experience, do not bring in any
negative side to let you down.
However, often time we just do not know how and why what you have just said
during interview may
negatively affect your chance---all of your past hard work may not be paid
off if you can not convince
the interviewer that you are much more better compared to other applicants
within the first five minutes.
Doing mock interviews and practice more will help.
I can not thank more enough for Laodao's warmhearted for providing this
opportunity for us to get
experience form faculty,senior, and medcareer fellows. Thanks to all the
faculty for their time. Thank Dao
Tai's great foods. Hope to see your guys again next year!
I wish I had the chance to talk to all the people over there. Welcome
everybody to share your own
thoughts and experience about the Laodao meeting. Thank you so much!
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国: ·[FROM: 99.53.]
发信人: swarmer (麦地守望者), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 老刀会没有报道?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 10 12:40:30 2009)
公讲了一路我得到的各种信息,兴奋的都睡不着了。加上对隐性眼镜的eye drop过敏,
现在眼睛红得象个little devil,还是忍不住先到版上来看看。今天先简单汇报一下情
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国: ·[FROM: 63.252.]
发信人: Chi2010 (Chi2009), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: 感谢信---老刀会后
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 11 23:39:37 2009)
麦地潜水员:Chi2010 2009-5-11
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国: ·[FROM: 76.197.]
发信人: JDJ (Step2 CS), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 老刀会归来
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 10 21:50:34 2009)
PS and IV时,要强调多年research experience对于今后临床工作是positive factor。
那个科。同时在见习中累积一些感人的小故事,PS and IV中有机会时讲讲,会比较
issue,spend time with kids)+多作见习。
PCP or FM, 担心没病人?语言上不可能超过老美,可是语言不决定一切。Be nice to
patients, 正确的诊断,耐心解释治疗方案,病人会越来越多的。
fellow后再接受1-3年的training.如果能够进入acdemic hospital作住院,对将来申请
非常感谢那么多attending,fellow, resident的宝贵时间和精力。刀太,奔太和别的家
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国: ·[FROM: 68.33.]
发信人: medlamb (麦地小羊), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: 老刀会归来
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 10 15:34:27 2009)
Just coming from the Laodao meeting, I enjoyed the meeting very much because
it cleared some of my
questions about the match. I am writing my experience on the airplane to
share with you all especially for
those people was not able to attend the meeting this year.
Overall, based on attending's talk, the road to board is hard but definitely
achievable. Do your best. You
will succeed.
For steps, never go for the test until you are fully ready. However, getting
lower scores is not the end of the
world, try to improve your other credentials.
For observer-ship, the more the better, it doesn't have to be the same
specialty you want to apply because
all of the clinical departments all integrated and you just need to know how
the system is working.
For application,go for more than one specialty if possible, you never know
which program likes you and
which is hot this year. However, if you are dedicated to one area with
strong past related experience, you
will save some time.
For interview, be prepared, research the program and their people's work,
while talking, try to tell your own
stories and cover most of the time, this way, the interviewer will have less
chance to throw hard questions
on you. Be very strong on your positive side experience, do not bring in any
negative side to let you down.
However, often time we just do not know how and why what you have just said
during interview may
negatively affect your chance---all of your past hard work may not be paid
off if you can not convince
the interviewer that you are much more better compared to other applicants
within the first five minutes.
Doing mock interviews and practice more will help.
I can not thank more enough for Laodao's warmhearted for providing this
opportunity for us to get
experience form faculty,senior, and medcareer fellows. Thanks to all the
faculty for their time. Thank Dao
Tai's great foods. Hope to see your guys again next year!
I wish I had the chance to talk to all the people over there. Welcome
everybody to share your own
thoughts and experience about the Laodao meeting. Thank you so much!
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国: ·[FROM: 99.53.]
发信人: swarmer (麦地守望者), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 老刀会没有报道?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 10 12:40:30 2009)
公讲了一路我得到的各种信息,兴奋的都睡不着了。加上对隐性眼镜的eye drop过敏,
现在眼睛红得象个little devil,还是忍不住先到版上来看看。今天先简单汇报一下情
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国: ·[FROM: 63.252.]
发信人: JDJ (Step2 CS), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 老刀会归来
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 10 21:50:34 2009)
PS and IV时,要强调多年research experience对于今后临床工作是positive factor。
那个科。同时在见习中累积一些感人的小故事,PS and IV中有机会时讲讲,会比较
issue,spend time with kids)+多作见习。
PCP or FM, 担心没病人?语言上不可能超过老美,可是语言不决定一切。Be nice to
patients, 正确的诊断,耐心解释治疗方案,病人会越来越多的。
fellow后再接受1-3年的training.如果能够进入acdemic hospital作住院,对将来申请
非常感谢那么多attending,fellow, resident的宝贵时间和精力。刀太,奔太和别的家
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国: ·[FROM: 68.33.]
发信人: USMedEdu (US_CMGs), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 老刀会归来
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 11 08:46:15 2009)
所以,除这里所谈的why psych? 其实是个共性问题,适用于其它一切专业,而且是
之一亮,感到你是“know something even deeply know about this specialty"而
且,“you are unique”!这样,你才能stand out above other interviewees,
be that the one "we are really looking for and expect for resident candidate”
我在刀会上也主要谈了WHY PATHOLOGY和见习病理为了什么这两个你们很多人不能深
刻理解的问题。你们必须要深思,把这类问题能真正搞懂,convince yourself, then
try to convenience interviewers!
【 在 jjc (dogcat) 的大作中提到: 】
: What a great meeting! Thank Laodao for giving us such a good chance for
: meeting people.
: Since I want to go psy, I talked to two psy Drs quite a bit. My take-home
: messages are:
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国: ·[FROM: 24.210.]
发信人: wodewode (我的我的), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 老刀会归来
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 11 10:07:17 2009)
进了面试,成绩就不重要了,面试的人看的是:hard work, 听话,flexible,交流技
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国: ·[FROM: 164.107.]
发信人: droplets (滴水穿石), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 老刀会归来
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 11 10:18:13 2009)
对于非常感兴趣的PROGRAM, 要是受毕业年限之类的限制, 可以绕过小秘, 直接给PD发
信了, 要好好研究那个PROGRAM写有针对性的信, 如果PD对你感兴趣,这样一来你的材料
就会被调出来.但是发信的人可能会很多, 所以也看运气, 不一定总灵, 但至少可以一
试, 有内线的更好, 可以投PD之所好, 中靶的几率更大些.
※ 修改:·droplets 於 May 11 10:21:43 2009 修改本文·[FROM: 68.19.]
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国: ·[FROM: 68.19.]
发信人: zhongj (mimi), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 老刀会归来
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 11 10:30:51 2009)
I came back from Laodao’s conference.Thanks very much for Laodao and Dao
tai to provide us these meeting. Your beautiful house impressed me. I
regretted that I forgot my camera; otherwise I will post your house’s
picture on my computer. When I am tired of studying I will look the picture
and study harder again.
Thanks very much for every faculty, fellow and residency who attended that
meeting. Yours help may change other people’s life.
Thanks very much for the people who were always busying in maintaining the
party. I know how hard work it is for more than 100 people’s party. I know
you are the family member of the guys who are preparing the board. Thanks
all family members who support us.
I met many famous ID on MedicalCareer, it is very excited.
The posts on upstairs like abstracts of the conference which are very clear.
It is very useful even for me because I could not get every point on the
meetion. One thing I want add is Dr. Shao mentioned that as a CMG we need
improve our pronunciation. If it is harder for the interviewer to understand
you how would they want work with you in the future years?
Thanks Laodao again.
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国: ·[FROM: 136.142.]
jjc: 老刀会归来谈PSYCHIATRY的申请问题
发信人: jjc (dogcat), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 老刀会归来
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 11 02:52:41 2009)
What a great meeting! Thank Laodao for giving us such a good chance for
meeting people.
Since I want to go psy, I talked to two psy Drs quite a bit. My take-home
messages are:
1. Why psy? You must answer that question from your heart. Many people
think about psy because others said psy programs have less requirements
about scores and are kind of easy to get in. That's not true. If you just
use psy as back-up, people can easily find out that. Don't forget that
they are psy doctors who are really good at reading people's minds.
2. If you are really into psy, do a psy ob, match your passion with the
reality. In this way, you will find out whether psy is your cup of tea or
3. Being a psy Dr, you have to enjoy talking to people. For each new
patient, you will have a talk with them at least 1-1.5 hour.
4. Be a psy Dr, you are not only a good talker but also a good listener.
Oftentimes,you have to keep your mouth shut. You are the one offering help
if people want change. But the decision has to be made by patient himself.
5. psy Dr has a good life style. BUT the psy board exam is the most
difficult one among all the board exams. It's a oral exam. It's done in a
few big psy centers. You will get a real patient for half hour interview
and then present the case and answer questions from the committee. It
certainly can be biased by people. The passing rate is about 50%(I'm not
sure about the exact number but for sure it's much lower than the internal
Well, that's all I can think about at this point. I may add more later.
Thanks again, Laodao! And for all people I met in the meeting, it's so
good to meet you guys.
发信人: xiaomaguohe (麦地小马), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Re: 老刀会归来
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 11 14:56:20 2009)
very good post. a few more points about psy:
1. during the residency, you will be trained with behavioral therapy modules
for different disorders, such as OCD, depression, etc.
2. the board certificate is not required for practice NOW, but you never
know what will happen in the future, some states start to require the
3.a good personality is good in any field. ppl with different personalities
can be good psy with professional training.
4. find yourself an American name may shorten the distance between you and
your patients.
发信人: Chi2010 (Chi2009), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: 感谢信---老刀会后
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 11 23:39:37 2009)
看来懒人的作业是不行的 even I will take step2 very soon but no excuse.
Based on the comment from Dr. Dok, the additional detailed description of
the points what I learned from the Lao Dao Hui is summarized as the
following description. As a listener and a learner, these points may or may
not exactly represent the real points that each teacher try to tell since
the limitation of my intelligence. So any different opium is welcomed and
1. Get in a program is more important than get a better one if you have
to choose. Most of us may not have many options.
2. Who will screen applicants for interview? PD and associated PD.
How the applicants will be screened for interview?
The score and years of graduation will be the two important factors for the
program to screen the applicants. So the score will be the only modifiable
factor, so try to get the highest score as you can. Try to apply early than
late. Fresh graduate will have higher chance even with lower scores. The
connection will help you get a chance for interview too. So try to get more
How you will be ranked by the program? You performance during the interview
and the whole package will be evaluated by individual member from the
resident recruit committee. So try your best to impress each committee
member in the positive way during your interview. However, the rank for each
applicant will be discussed on an open meeting where all the committee
members will attend, so if you have connection with someone who is in the
committee, he will speak out for you and that will significant increase you
chance to be ranked higher.
3. The first few minutes will be the most important for the whole
interview. Try to be comfortable, to be confident, and to be yourself. Try
to be perfect as you can in many aspects such as dressing, manner et al,
To be charming, humble from inside of your heart (think yourself as a “
potato”). However, still try to “show off” your strengths and shinning
points in a comfortable manner in the point of view of others.
4. How to answer the question “what is your strength and weakness?”
Such as “ Sometime, I am working too hard even forget to take a rest ”.
Always use the positive way to express your weakness instead of directly
describe your weakness. To be prepared on this kind of question.
5. Try harder, try smart, you will achieve your goal.
6. Run your own business or work as an employee after you become an
attending? You will always get paid less than what you made for the
employee. Otherwise, it is the time you will be fired. So make your own
麦地潜水员:Chi2010 2009-5-11
※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国: ·[FROM: 76.197.]