有一些电影,需要在深夜的时候独自欣赏。就好像《the station agent》,里面透露着的点点浪漫,些许伤感,以及他们那种想远离尘嚣的心情,若不是一个人便无法细细品味。很庆幸没有删除掉这个名叫《the station agent》的rm文件,我开始喜欢上那个叫“奥莉维亚”的女人。
Even isolation is better shared Finbar McBride (Peter Dinklage) is a man trying to live life on his own terms. Looking only to be left alone, he takes up residence in an rural town's old train depot. But much like the station agents that occupied small town depots before him, he finds himself reluctantly becoming enmeshed in the lives of his neighbors, especially Olivia (Patricia Clarkson), a forty-year-old artist struggling with the break up of her marriage, and Joe (Bobby Cannavale) a thirty-year-old with a talent for cooking and an insatiable hunger for conversation - whether anyone wants to talk to him or not.
The STATION AGENT is about three people with nothing in common, except their shared solitude, until chance circumstances bring their lives together. Before long, from this forgotten depot, this mismatched threesome forges an unlikely bond, which ultimately reveals that even isolation is better shared.