2007 (64)
2008 (87)
2009 (41)
2011 (1)
Thank you EZ. I am glad you enjoy the music here. ...
Beautifully said. Music is everything you said a...
回复花飞的朋友的评论: 谢谢,你一定也是爱唱歌的朋友...
thank you!
Thank you PJ. Happy Holidays.:)
Thanks 苗苗 for your sharing. Through your songs,...
Dear Mel, This is one of my favorite. And the t...
哇,到 HIGH C 还能控制哪么好,理解了什么是“放松”...
I like singing, but not that good. You are great!
I heard this song is about 15 years ago. Like it very much, thank you so much for this one reminding my memory.