
random thoughts by 偶灯斯陋
偶灯斯陋 (热门博主)
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正直与勇气 vs.领袖精神

(2011-11-18 22:50:12) 下一个

You are lucky if you have a leader with 正直与勇气 
Re:  领袖精神 (by 羊皮狐仙)

In any group, large or small, some individuals have more power and influence than others. the person with the most influence often assumes a position of prominence in the group and comes to be regarded as the leader. Social psychologists define a leader as the person who exerts the most influence in a group. Long time ago, primitive tribes chose their leaders on the basis of size, strength, or age. In modern times, researchers find the following traits associated with leadrship: intelligence (only moderate, though), verbosity (talkativieness), motives (energetic, autonomous, self-directed, somewhat narcissistic, and concerned with prestige and having an impact on others), and charisma ("gift of grace", Max Weber). In many occasions, the emergence of a leader is the result of charactersistics of (1) the leader, (2) the followers, and (3) the situation. Needless to say, 正直与勇气 are desired qualities for a leader, they are the elements of legitimate power, with which the leader will be more influential; with which a leader is more likely to be a transformational leader who is sensative to the desires of the followers and to bring forth changes according to people's desires.

There are many different kinds of leaders and leadership. Martin Luther King, Jr., was an exceptional leader. He had an extremely high degree of influence over other people both within and outside of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Many times only his words kept the Black Freedom movement from turning into a violent revolt. For example, on June 30, 1956, a bomb was thrown at his home in Montgomery. A number of police officers, along with the police commissioner and the mayor, arrived on the scene shortly after the blast. A crowd of about a thousand angry blacks also gathered armed with guns, rocks, knives, and sticks and ready to do battle with the police. King walked onto the porch and asked the blacks to adhere to the doctrine of nonviolence, reminding them, "He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword." The crowd dispersed peacefully. Coretta King recalls hearing a white policeman in the crowd saying, "If it hadn't been for that nigger preacher, we'd all be dead" (King, 1969, p. 130).

I agree that everyone has the potential to be a leader, whether we choose to cutltivate and express the leadership in us is another issue.

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