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Two points to consider - 关于MMR与AUTISM

(2007-08-21 13:00:28) 下一个

1。宝宝再也不说话了。以前宝宝能看着我的眼睛,亲亲的叫:妈,妈。 现在看见我跟没看见似的。


看了医生。第一次是电话,PD说:“OH,MY GOD。我也很难过。我希望AUTISM不会发生在你孩子身上。”表示了深切同情,就好像我孩子很可能的了AUTISM似的。并告诉我,我现在肚子里的孩子也可能会受MMR的影响。原因是我和宝宝紧密接触,还常吃他的剩饭,病毒可能会传给我。他说,实在不行,得把肚子里的那个做掉,以防又是个AUTISM.





Two points to consider
来源: crazydog07-08-20 12:13:30

1) Recently there were two very large-scale studies on the potential link between MMR vaccine and autism, one in Japan and another one in a North European country (I could not remember the name for sure). In each study, they examined the medical record of ALL children in their countries on the national record in the past 20 years (or 15?). So this huge sample size makes the result statistically very significant. The conclusions from both studies are: there is NO link between autism and MMR vaccine.

On top of these two huge size, high quality studies, there were numerous other studies of smaller size (smaller means not all children of a country, but still large numbers). Not a single peer-reviewed study found any link between MMR and autism. Those claims on the link were all personal eye-witness. These type of evidence are considered the lowest form and least believable in science.

2) There was another study where the PDs were asked to note down secretly which of their patients may have autism before the kids were 12 months old and sealed the record. MMR is usually given at 18 months. Autism is usually diagnosed after 2-3 yr old. After a few years, the scientists have the medical record of the kids, knowing who by now have been diagnosed with autism and re-examined what the PDs wrote down before the kids took MMR. Amazingly, most PDs correctly predicted autism before kids were 12 months old. This is way before MMR vaccine. That says that the symptoms of autism were there quite early on, but it took a trained eye to detect it. The symptoms just became more dramatic after a certain age so that the parents notice too.

Basically, autism is a genetic disease and determined by multiple genes. It is there before the kids turn1 yr old. It can be triggered by viral infections or other things. The triggering is just a matter of time, if not at 18 months, may be at 2, 4. But so far there is no scientific evidence to link MMR and autism. MMR is a tough vaccine in that the side effects are quite traumatic and take a while to go away. But over the long run, the vaccine itself does not do any known harm.
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