
这个博克是Crazydog的粉丝特地为她建立的. Crazydog被大家尊称为疯老大,我就以疯老大作为博克的主页名称.为了避借C

Being a parent needs brain too

(2007-08-03 07:24:31) 下一个
 来源: crazydog05-12-31 13:33:03

One cannot be a good one without an understanding of child psychological development. Infants have intrinsic rythsms as to when to eat and sleep. It takes an intelligent parent to uncover it, not to train the infant to your own schedule and ruin her intrinsic pattern. The fact that she cried so much suggest that you are ignoring her own pattern. Holding baby is necessary for the mental health as well as physical development of the baby. This has been proved multiple times by well-controled scientific studies both in human (the famous Romania orphage studies) and in Chimps. So please as parent, do not imagine what is good or bad. Do read scientific studies.
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