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Parental playground behaviour

(2007-08-03 07:05:40) 下一个
来源: crazydog07-08-02 11:58:45

When kids are small (<2), parents need to keep a close eye on the environment (including other parents and kids). From the way majority other parents talk to their own kids and the way kids behave, you first decide whether that is the right place to be. This prevents potential troubles should other kids hurt your baby while the other parents refuse to behave. In most cases, it is just individual kid who was not behaving that day. If that kid hurts yours and the other parent was not around, I would stop the kid, look at him/her in the eye and tell him/her that this is not a good behaviour. Usually that is enough to stop them. Your own baby is looking and learning your every move. So set a good example.

When kids are older (>2), let them have a chance to be independent and sort out their own issues. Teach the basic self defense skill, like saying "No, Stop!" loudly. But otherwise let kids deal with each other. This is a real world with all sorts of people. Kids need a chance to grow up. One exception: if there is a much younger kid around, then I stop mine if she is not careful with the younger kid. With older kids, I let her defend herself. So far, she never run back to me for help. She always tried to stand up for herself.
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