
这个博克是Crazydog的粉丝特地为她建立的. Crazydog被大家尊称为疯老大,我就以疯老大作为博克的主页名称.为了避借C


(2007-07-28 14:28:40) 下一个

I just came back from a 3-week trip to China with my 18-month old. I had the same worry as you because my baby is on all organic food/milk here, and there is no such thing as organic in Asia . In addition, I worry about all the food safety issues. However, just think, your baby will only be living on those food for a few weeks--it is not going to do too much harm. This is what you can do:

1) Bring some room-temp packaged milk---Horizon brand have small paper container organic milk (240ml each) perfect for travel. While in China , ask your family for what they trust. Essentially, all Chinese milk contain additives. I did a tasting parallel with the organic milk I brought back. The Chinese one tasted too good (and weird) to be natural (I read that natural milk should not be too tasty) but contained less protein. They did a lot of things during the manufacture process. But you cannot possibly bring enough milk from US. So do the best you can.

2) Yogurt: Again very diluted. Look for ones that have the highest protein concentration. Don't touch yogurt drinks--that is not yogurt.

3) shop at places your family trust--get high quality chicken and pork and cook for yourself. Don't eat shellfish!!! My baby loved shrimp and almost lived on shrimp for 6 months here. While in China , she ate some shrimp in a really high-end restaurent and became allergic (probably due to contaminants or toxins in the shrimps) and could not touch shellfish any more. My feeling is that all shellfishes in China are contaminated somewhat, although we adults do not have any reaction, young children are more sensitive.

4) fruit: bring some apple sauce with you. The sizes are small enough that you can bring a lot.

5) my baby found what she liked in the end. It took her a while to get used to the tastes there. She was low on veggie intake during the time though. She is now back for a week and has been eating like she is been starved for her life. So they will compensate by themselves.


1。 带一些小盒装的室温牛奶。Horizon 有这样的纸盒装的有机牛奶(240毫升一盒),非常适合旅行时用。到了中国,可以买家人信的过的牌子的牛奶。从根本上来说,中国的奶制品都还有添加剂。和美国带去的奶比较,中国的牛奶味道虽好(有点太好了)(天然奶不应该有那么好的味道),带所含蛋白相对少。他们在生产过程中,作了很多处理。

2。 酸奶。买那些含蛋白高的。不要买酸奶饮料。那些不是酸奶。

3。 在你家人信赖的地方买东西,尽可能买高质量的鸡肉和猪肉。不要吃虾和贝壳类食物。我的宝宝很爱吃虾,她几乎天天吃虾连着吃了6个月。在中国的时候,我们在一家高级食肆食用虾之后,她就过敏了(也许是虾里的污染物),之后,在也不能吃那类食物了。我感觉中国的贝壳类食物可能在某些程度上受污染,虽然我们大人没感觉,可宝宝们很敏感。

4。 水果。带一些苹果泥。小瓶装的很容易带多一些。

5。 我的宝宝最后还是找到自己喜欢吃的,虽然还是花了一段时间适应的。只是她蔬菜吃的少。现在,我们已经回来一个星期了,她像个小饿鬼似的猛吃。看来她们还是知道怎么补回来的。

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