cd1: 01. 水墨丹青凤凰城 (2012版) |
Phoenix City,a city in Chinese ink snd wash |
02. 溪行桃花源 | Wandering Arcadia along Stream |
03. 紫禁花园 (2012版) | The Forbiddeb Garden |
04. 碧水微风媚太湖 | Charming Tai Lake with blue water and breeze |
05. 青瓦白墙恋徽州 | Huizhou,verdant tile and white wall in the name of the city |
06. 乌兰巴托草原之夜 | Night of Ulan Bator Grassland |
07. 清音玉露月牙泉 | Clear tone and water in Yueya Spring |
08. 平遥古韵 | Pingyao,ancient charm |
09. 渔舟湘江晚唱 | Night Chant in Fishing Boat beside Xiang River |
10. 丝路花雨锁泉州 | Quanzhou,city is surrounded by Silk Way and rain of flowe |
11. 小桥流水人家 | Small bridge,flowing water and household |
12. 大理雪月觅风花 | Dali,romantic story with wind,flower,snow,moon |
cd2 01. 水墨兰亭 |
Chinese Painting |
02. 千江有水千江月 | Moonlight Over Qian River |
03. 夜宴紫禁宫 | Banquet At Forbidden City |
04. 太极幻影 | Phantom Of TaiChi |
05. 静月思 | A Self-Reflection In A Quiet Evening |
06. 云水潇湘 | The Foggy River In HuNan |
07. 禅茶人生 | A Meditation Inspired By Tea |
08. 茶山笛语 | Melody Of Piccolo Though Mountain Path |
09. 梧桐细语 | Whisper Of Indus |
10. 菊花醉 (演唱:谭晶) | Little Drunk Among Chrysanthemums |
11. 仙山谣 (演唱:齐豫 /王铮亮) | Ballad Of A Holy Mountain |
12. 襄阳歌 (演唱:黑鸭子 /八只眼) | A Praise To XiangYang City |
13. 尊道贵德(演唱:毛阿敏) | Faith In Taoism |
14. 海天一色(演唱:夏瓦曲呷) | The harmony of sea and sky |