
你说他有病, 他说你有病, 其实都没病, 之缘吾有病, 我是任有病。


(2008-04-13 11:28:26) 下一个
美联社 布什总统的国家安全顾问哈德利周日表示一些国家用拒绝参加开幕式北京奥运开幕式的方式来议中国在解决西藏问题是地地道道的逃避。什么样的说,美国所奉行的安静外交,是一种更好的方式来发送信息至中国的领导人,而不是正面对抗”。

哈德利在采访中说 , 我觉得可惜有一些国家在这个问题上采取抵制态度, 这在某种程度上转移了问题焦点。如果我们( 美国)说我们不去开幕典礼,而要讨论西藏问题,这是逃避。

如果其他国家都关心这一点,他们应该做我们做的,就是我们正在透过“安静外交”,清楚地向中国发出一个信息,整个世界也在看,这是一个机会中国显示他们考虑到和有决心处理其公民的尊严和尊重。其他国家应该默默地施加他们的影响力让中国当局和达赖喇嘛的代表会谈解决纷争。 哈德利说。

上周, 布什总统表示 我并不认为,奥运会作为一个政治事件,我认为这是一项体育赛事 。 也没有迹象显示布什会跳过这项活动。,虽然白宫尚未宣布他是否将出席会议开幕式于八月八日。

看来, 美国人开始扇欧洲人嘴巴, 等着看吧, 等胡哥和小布什拉手时, 莫科尔和萨克骑在家里瞪眼睛吧。 让我们继续发出我们的怒吼吧。

WASHINGTON (AP) -- It would be a cop-out for countries to skip the opening ceremonies at the Beijing Olympics as a way of protesting China\'s crackdown in Tibet, President Bush\'s national security adviser said Sunday.

The kind of quiet diplomacy that the U.S. is practicing is a better way to send a message to China\'s leaders rather than frontal confrontation, Stephen Hadley said.

President Bush has given no indication he will skip the event. I don\'t view the Olympics as a political event, Bush said this past week. I view it as a sporting event. The White House has not yet said whether he will attend the opening ceremony on August 8.

We haven\'t worked out the details of his schedule at this point in time, but from his vantage point, if you listen to what he has said, he has no reason not to go, Hadley said in broadcast interviews Sunday. Because what he has said is we need to be using diplomacy.

This issue [of the boycott] is in some sense a bit of a red herring, Hadley said in a broadcast interview. I think unfortunately a lot of countries say, \'Well, if we say that we are not going to the opening ceremonies we check the box on Tibet.\' That\'s a cop-out.

If other countries are concerned about that, they ought to do what we are doing through quiet diplomacy, send a message clearly to the Chinese that this is an opportunity with the whole world watching, to show that they take into account and are determined to treat their citizens with dignity and respect. They would put pressure on the Chinese authorities quietly to meet with representatives of the Dalai Lama and use this as an opportunity help resolve that situation, Hadley said.

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