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《 渔 歌 子 》 : 江上行船险处多, 青山两岸对相过。 渔父唱,有欢歌, 浪打风吹雨一蓑。 一 古 松 子


(2009-04-15 16:00:07) 下一个



哈苏基金会摄影国际奖(Hasselblad Foundation International Award in Photography)今天宣布美国攝影师罗伯特·亞当斯(Robert Adams Born Orange, New Jersey, 1937)获得2009年度第29届哈苏基金会攝影国际奖。美国摄影师罗伯特·亞当斯以一系列记录美国西部的黑白作品赢得评委的认可,及60000美元奖金。从上个世纪七十年代开始,罗伯特·亞当斯便持续记录着美国西部的变迁,试图用影像来探寻人类与环境之间的复杂关系,他的镜头下记录着两种风景,一种被人类所破坏,另一种已超越人之所能及,映照出人类的渺小。“人们迁移到西部,原以为能够享受自然,却发现自己其实依然生活在钢筋混凝土的城镇中,只有在周末在能够外出接近自然。”“罗伯特·亞当斯是过去40年里最重要、最具影响力的摄影师之一,”哈苏基金会发言人表示,“他的作品不仅见证了美国西部的历史,同时也在时代发展的过程中重新定义和延续了摄影语言的表达方式,将经典与现代理念同时融入他自身的拍摄风格中。”

关于『Hasselblad Award 摄影奖』

1980年由哈苏创始人Victor Hasselblad设立的国际性摄影奖项,每年评选一次(1983年因Victor去世停办一届),以表彰“在摄影领域有杰出贡献”的摄影师,除了奖金和一枚金质奖章外,获奖作品还将在全球多个画廊进行展览,安塞尔·亚当斯、亨利·卡蒂埃·布勒松、约瑟夫·寇德卡、萨尔加多、理查德·阿威顿、欧文·佩恩、鲍里斯·米克哈洛夫都曾获得这一奖项。哈苏的名字从早期的摄影开始时就一直与之联系在一起。哈苏攝影国际奖就是攝影界的诺贝尔奖。

Robert Adams - The 2009 Hasselblad Award Winner

American photographer Robert Adams from Astoria, Oregon, has been selected as the 29th winner of the Hasselblad Foundation International Award in Photography. The award was presented to Robert Adams at a press conference at Fraenkel Gallery in San Francisco on April 14, 2009. He received the prize from the Honorable Barbro Osher, Consul General, Consulate General of Sweden, San Francisco. The award sum was SEK 500,000. An exhibition of the award winner’s work, Robert Adams – 2009 Hasselblad Award Winner, will open at the Hasselblad Center, Göteborg Art Museum on November 6, 2009.

The Foundation’s citation:

Robert Adams is one of the most important and influential photographers of the last forty years. During that time he has worked almost exclusively in the American West, and, as photography has altered and fragmented, he has refined and reaffirmed its inherent language, adapting the legacies of nineteenth century and modernist photography to his own very singular purpose. Precise and undramatic, Adams’ accumulative vision of the West now stands as a formidable document, reflecting broader, global concerns about the environment, while consistently recognizing signs of human aspiration and elements of hope across a particular changing landscape.

Robert Adams getting the diploma from Barbro Osher © Joshua Chuang

Robert Adams thanks for the award © Lars Andersson

Robert Adams with Bo Myhrman in San Francisco © Daniel Cheek


Eden, Colorado, ca. 1968-1971

North of Purcell on the Pawnee Grasslands, Colorado, 1981

Untitled, Denver 1970-1974

Colorado Springs, Colorado" 1968

"Burning Oil Sludge North of Denver, Colorado," 1973

Sitka Spruce, Cape Blanco State Park, Curry County, Oregon, 1999–2003

Untitled, Denver 1970-1974

North Jetty, mouth of the Columbia River, River on left, ocean on right 1990


Robert Adams's black-and-white photographs document scenes of the American West, revealing the impact of human activity on the last vestiges of wilderness and open space. An underlying tension in A...

变幻中国摄影展 英国伦敦 
昭君怨 夢裏落楊花

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