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Negotiation Letter

(2007-06-29 15:36:14) 下一个
Dear ***,

Thank you so much for the phone call and the offer. I'm really excited that we are in the final stage of the hiring process. I will seriously consider the offer you present to me, but at the same time I believe this offer does not truly reflect my value and experience. Here is a list of reasons that will justify me a better offer.

1. Value I will add to the name of *** (company’s name).

Utilizing micro-earthquake to track the fracture propagation in the reservoir is implemented by Deflandre (1997, AAPG Bulletin vol.81, no.8, pp.1370) 10 years ago. As gas price increases, hydraulic fracturing becomes profitable for old wells to increase these well’s productivity. Recently, the technique is experiencing a resurgence of interest. The market is dramatically increased. ***, ***, and *** have developed easy-acquisition-methods to obtain fracturing-induced microseismic signals by either downhole or surface receivers. Their processing software can handle most real cases although more improvements are needed. Their interpretation teams are gaining experience. Market is gradually being occupied by their services.

I conducted over hundred microseismic survey lines in *** and *** area for my dissertation project. The solid seismological education in *** strengthened my knowledge on earthquake locating, crack source propagation, waveform modeling, and much more. Plus programming experience on real project deepens my understanding on geophysical inversion theory. With these experiences, I am confident that I can make contribution to grab back our lost land.

2. Four years of research experience using C as a consultant with *** Software Inc. As you know three journal papers are from my consulting work and my code has been commercially incorporated into *** V6.0 and is making money.

3. Two master degrees in geology and one Ph.D in geophysics, totally 11 years education of advanced degree. You might be able to find job candidates who have advanced degree in either geophysics or geology. It is not easy to find job candidates who have both.

4. One of our MS students, *** who graduated this May 2007 from the same geophysical program as mines in *** got a job in ***. Her salary that *** offered to her is much higher than what *** is offering to me. She also has 10% bonus every year. She is happy to verify her salary by email ***.

5. Last but not the least, I have passion in this new technology and in *** who kindly pays my *** student membership fee for years.

I would be very much appreciated if you can extend me a better offer. Dean Clark (The Leading Edge, 2007, v. 26, p. 578-581) published ***'s 2006 Member Compensation Survey (attached). I believe the fairness of the survey. If you do not mind, we can start our negotiation from there.

I'm confident that I will be a highly valuable asset in your team.

Best Regards,
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