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(8) 雏儿同桌的她向我告状说我儿又欺负她了。我问这次惹了她什么。她粉嫩的小脸梨花带雨:“He said that I am a stupid girl.”显然小儿又难逃一劫。“教训”完后,好奇的问他何事让他如此无礼。他说上数学课,老师让他们互相测试一下乘法口诀。他给她的题是 5 X 99 ,她说表上没有,她不会。小儿让她动动脑子,她一口回绝。小儿的理论是5 X 99 只是两个5 X 9 相加而已,又有何难?!
(9) 上班时,接到雏儿学校的电话,说是又出状况了,让我赶紧去一趟。急匆匆地跑到学校,他的班主任 Ms. Brown 气急败坏地向我告状:"Today, your son said that I am the worst teacher in front of the WHOLE class.” 看着她那年轻的脸上痛苦的表情,想必被我儿折磨得够呛。想想她这还不到一学期呢,儿子那一壶,我在家可是已喝了多年了。一阵赔理道歉,安抚保证后,领着儿子回家。回家的路上,我对儿子说:“How could you say that to Ms. Brown? You hurt her feeling badly.”儿子好像根本没意识到问题的严重性:“Her teaching is boring. I wanted to read my own book instead and she didn't let me do that. I like my Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Smith. She is funny and treats me good. Ms. Brown, really, she is the worst teacher I ever have. ”看到我又要说什么的样子,他赶紧拍拍我的手,安慰我道:“But Mom, you are the best Mom I ever have. ”
作者:海棠花飞 (http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myindex.php?blogID=26531)
• 这个比较棘手 -老别- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/15/07
• 是啊,这小子!让我痛并快乐着。。。 -海棠花飞- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/15/07