

Desitin Vs. A+D

(2007-07-25 12:15:46) 下一个
As a new parent, I have noticed that there are a wide range and variety of baby care products to choose from. Two of the major brands of diaper rash ointment and rash protection that we had used are Desitin and A+D.

Both Desitin and A+D are well known brands of diaper rash ointment and both claim to be the best. We were able to use both of these ointments with Summer and Ryan and I want to give you my 2 cents on each one.

On the front of the tube of Desitin, there is a statement that claims Desitin is the number one choice of pediatricians and mothers.

There are 3 products for Desitin:



One of the great things about Desitin Original and Desitin Creamy is that it has a thick and rich formula that stays on. And it is less skin irritation for the babies, so it is great to put on a baby at night.

Desitin Original contains 40% zinc oxide and Desitin Creamy is a light version with 10% zinc oxide.

Destitin Clear is a new product, we never tried, it supposely to be used as a skin protectant/moisturizer, but some parents complained that it did not prevent diaper rash, but a good concept - Multi-Purpose Ointment.

A+D claims to be "The Gold Standard of Protection". A+D Original Ointment also states that it is a diaper rash ointment and a skin protectant.

There are 2 products:
A+D Original Ointment

A+D Zinc Oxide Diaper Rash Cream

A+D Original Ointment has a more oily feel as it is more petroleum based( include Lanolin at 15.5 percent and Petrolatum at 53.4 percent).This can kind of give a greasy feel. it is more like 凡士林. it should be used for prevention purpose only, it does not help that much for healing the rash.

A+D Zinc Oxide Diaper Rash Cream(Zinc Oxide 10%) works more or less as Desitin Creamy. It is creamy and rich.

While both A+D and Desitin are both great products, I would have to say that for prevention purpose, A+D Original Ointment might be the best choice, even it is kind of greasy. But once the baby get the rash, Desitin Original is the best choice, it has a more creamy texture that seems to be easier on the skin of a baby, and it works.

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