

(2008-09-03 09:45:19) 下一个

后来听说她是五个孩子的妈妈,更佩服了,估计她是AP说的那种energy level特高的人,俺对这样的人比较饭,像Angelina Jolie。





PS: 这几天关于佩林的口水很多,知福惜福网友的观点有一定代表性。她这么说:

来源: 知福惜福08-09-04 12:24:09 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]
醇香美味又健康 用豆浆机自制鲜豆浆 | 全自动的现代高压锅 | 眼睛保健及舒压助眠仪

如果答案是NO的话.我就想再问一下. 你们批评PALIN的女儿未婚先孕,是对她信奉的东西是相反的,从而结论PALIN是不合格的VP人选. 难道她女儿就非的给她妈妈相信的东西一样才证明这个妈妈是成功的妈妈吗?
我觉得这里很多人都把自己的子女当成了延伸,其实很多美国却把子女当成一个独立的个体.所以他们才不会有这种想法的. 也正是PALIN敢于把自己大腹便便的17岁女儿拉到台上,正大光明的甚至于自豪的站那里.


佩林是政客,她的想法不仅影响自家,也影响别家。她减少了很多sex ed 的资金,增加了很多abstinence only education的资金,那纳税人就有权问一下,效果如何?从她自家看,效果8好,那她的政策是否应该被evaluate。



再说,老美对Minor的保护意识一点8比老中差。Bill OReily 曾经强烈抨击BritneySpears的父母,说他们教女无方,JamieLynn十七岁怀孕。

咳,真累,8再说介个了。 俺对此不再评价。


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yulaner 回复 悄悄话 回复laojie的评论:

请不要用“吃里扒外”这种insult别人的字眼, 有理的人是不需用这类字眼的。 凡是用的全回归用者本人。

实在忍不住说一句, Red Neck 是随便用的吗? 看到主流媒体上用去试试。
laojie 回复 悄悄话 回复yulaner的评论:
yulaner 回复 悄悄话 回复Bulebarry的评论:
Governer Palin 是一个值得尊敬的优秀女性, 不比稀拉利差, 同样Dedicate,还更务实,看看 华尔街日报:猜猜美国女性怎么看佩琳

yulaner 回复 悄悄话 回复laojie的评论:

若是担心退休金, 那民主党上台更完蛋了。 全花到懒人、非裔身上去了。 忘了不几年前加州“Warefare” 搞得债台高筑频临破产, 民主党州长被迫宣布下台, 现任共和党州长上台至今吗?说到伊战, 民主党当初不也积极支持吗? 稀拉利双收支持,共和党成了替罪羊。 说白了, 也只有McCain可以收拾残局。 奥的Exit Plan 根本不可行, 等他混上了台, 还是老样子...
laojie 回复 悄悄话 回复注册了吧的评论:
甚么年头了,铁杆反堕胎,反性教育。下崽不短。。。 这不是个red neck 还是个甚么?
red neck也不打紧。嘿。自个和自个家人没法管教,倒打出American family value的旗号。这连正经的red neck又少了层诚实。
laojie 回复 悄悄话 回复Bulebarry的评论:
Bulebarry 回复 悄悄话 我认为Palin 是个非常优秀的女人,聪明,美丽, 有魄力。要是说因为她的女儿影响你的孩子的。试问你又放心一个吸过毒的 Obama做你孩子的总统? Palin是running副总统,可Obama是running总统。
laojie 回复 悄悄话 回复Styx的评论:
Any woman with a right mind will not knowling give birth to a mentally challenged son. Talking about sleeping around, who is the hypocrite here? Your heroin! Believing in god, but got preganent before marriage anyway (your heroin herself). Against sex education, so got her daughter preganent. And don't let your imagination carry you away, I was not even talking about sleeping around although it is none of your business if anybody does sleep around. You want to make it unlawful?

No need to worry about my English vocabulary, I know exactly what I am refeering to. A piece of junk can be on the shelf in Wal-Mart, but also can be found in Neiman Marcus. The only difference is in the price. Americans would pay a big price if McCain-Palin ticket is elected.

Shame on the Repblican party to put her there.

Styx 回复 悄悄话 回复laojie的评论:

"She is a red neck, a white trash. She is anti-woman rights, anti-evolution, a religous nut."

真有气势啊,一上来就扣这么多顶帽子。我怀疑你到底知不知道这些英文字的定义?what is woman rights you are referring to? freedom of sleeping around and getting rid of the babies if there is any accident? If you are a woman, feel sorry for you! if you are a man, you don't have the right to talk about woman rights and attack a mother/wife/sucessful professional woman like this!

"Before she went to TX for a political speech, her water (the retarded son) broke. But she got herself on the plane anyway instead of going to a hospital. After speech, she flew back instead of going to a hospital; the plane stoped in Seattle, she continues to travel to Alaska instead of going to a hospital; when landed a city in Alaska, she drove for another 45 minutes instead of going to a hospital. Finally, the son was born in a small twon. Isn't this strange? Isn't this woman crazy? "

You are not at the place to judge if she is crazy or not. She probably knows much better how her physical condition is than you and reporters do. This is an tough woman, an athelet, I feel pretty impressed that she handled it with so much strength and calmness.

"The worst is not her craziness in her personal life. She once was associated with Alaska independent party. She always put Alaska before US."

I don't know much about the party and if her association with the party or real Alaska independent activity is right. But just to give a little bit education on US constitution. When the "united states" were founded and the constitution was established, there was always the underline assumption that the States is "before" federal government, and states hold all the rights that are not delegated to federal government and congress. If you don't believe in me, go back to read the Constitue.

"Ultimately, she is just being herself, it is McCain who sold out his soul (if he has one) and principles (if he use to have). I do not believe he and she will do anything differently than Bush (even if they want to). And I certainly do not want to see the country continuing in the wrong direction for another 4 years."

McCain+Palin is a stronger "reform' ticket than Obama/Biden's "changes' ticket.
ncpga 回复 悄悄话 I think Palin is perfect, by comparing to other candidates!
chaojiang 回复 悄悄话 我也正为这事想不通呢! 哎,手里的选票还真不知道投给谁.
lianggeren 回复 悄悄话 是啊,保守人士比如那谁谁谁,一向反对未婚先孕的,但保守的共和党选了佩林作总统候选人,这一切就都不成问题了。佩林说了,未婚先孕不能堕胎,甚至强奸乱伦怀孕也不能堕胎,她到真是身体力行了。问题是,如果她有了权力。。。

看她的演讲,觉得像个笑话,用了20分钟介绍自己的家人,抱着她的don syndrom的儿子到处走,然后说,别骚扰我的家人。。。,女人疯狂起来。。。
moonwalker123 回复 悄悄话 We surely do not want someone who treat Alaska to US like Tibet to China.

I think McCain was blind when chose her. Did not dislike McCain before, but now I think I'm leaning towards Obama, though do not like him either, but I think I'm less dislike Obama's team.
templa 回复 悄悄话 Laojie's definition of "white trash" is just the opposite, I think.
aaa 回复 悄悄话 Laojie is retarted b-.
知否 回复 悄悄话 Support!
laojie 回复 悄悄话 She is a red neck, a white trash. She is anti-woman rights, anti-evolution, a religous nut. She and MaCain would drag US into a dark age.

Before she went to TX for a political speech, her water (the retarded son) broke. But she got herself on the plane anyway instead of going to a hospital. After speech, she flew back instead of going to a hospital; the plane stoped in Seattle, she continues to travel to Alaska instead of going to a hospital; when landed a city in Alaska, she drove for another 45 minutes instead of going to a hospital. Finally, the son was born in a small twon. Isn't this strange? Isn't this woman crazy?
The worst is not her craziness in her personal life. She once was associated with Alaska independent party. She always put Alaska before US.

Ultimately, she is just being herself, it is McCain who sold out his soul (if he has one) and principles (if he use to have). I do not believe he and she will do anything differently than Bush (even if they want to). And I certainly do not want to see the country continuing in the wrong direction for another 4 years.

Styx 回复 悄悄话 1, for her starting work 3 days after delivery, I'm not surprised. I saw quite a few female professors coming back to work within a week of deliveray and they and their kids were doing perfectly fine. Only Chinese women need lying in bed for a month after delivery.

2, on her daughter's pregnancy. I think she handled it very well. Actually she released the news herself before the media discovered and jumped onto it. I'm sure her family didn't make it like a disgrace to her daughter, but tried best to teach her to deal with it like a first important lesson in life. I saw her elder daughter and the daughter's fiance went on to stage together with the whole family last night. Their smile and happiness didn't look like pretending. On the other side, had her treated it like a real disgrace that needed to be covered, even stopped her political career right there because of that, it would have become a life-time guilty and pressure on her elder daughter. She would hate the baby and herself for finishing her mother's chance of being the first female VP and making history. Facing it (with the family's support) makes the daughter stronger and growing up faster. Covering it and hiding the whole family from public will make her life a total shame, now and forever. If your daughter were in such a situation, which way do you help her to choose?