
My old post in sina weibo

(2012-04-24 11:13:41) 下一个
I asked him why he didn't like China. He pretended to be asleep so as not to answer the tough question. We all thought it was pretty funny. Then he asked me: "Do you like your mother better or my mother?" I pretended to be asleep like he did. We laughed for minutes on that one.We each bought a Steelers jersey. He got No. 83 and I got No. 7. He liked it very much. We went out on Sunday to the stores. There was a Steelers game that day so a lot of people were wearing jerseys. He was elated to find other people in the same jerseys.We were in the house. His mom was at work. He went to the bathroom by himself. After a few minutes, I heard him crying in there. I rushed to see what was going on. It was constipation. He was crying for his mommy. Then I realized that he might be able to survive without me but not without his mommy. I wonder how he would react if she were to go away for a few months.
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