中文名称:24小时 第六季
英文名称:24 Season 6
Kiefer Sutherland 饰 Jack Bauer Kim Raver 饰 Audrey Raines Roger Cross 饰 Curtis Manning Mary Lynn Rajskub 饰 Chloe O'Brian James Morrison 饰 Bill Buchanan Jayne Atkinson 饰 Karen Hayes William Devane 饰 James Heller Elisha Cuthbert 饰 Kimberly Bauer Gregory Itzin 饰 Charles Logan Jean Smart 饰 Martha Logan Carlo Rota 饰 Morris O'Brian Rick Schroder 饰 Mike Doyle DB Woodside 饰 Wayne Palmer Regina King 饰 Sandra Palmer Eric Balfour 饰 Milo Pressman Marisol Nichols 饰 Nadia 'Natalie' Yassir Peter MacNicol 饰 Thomas Lennox地区:美国

美国的英雄Jack Bauer再度回归荧幕!
率先推出的24预告片引爆了24 Fans蓄势待发的热情,英雄、恐怖主义、爆炸这几个让我们心跳的词带我们步入新的24个小时。这一次的剧情从防范危机转变为危机已经爆发,矛盾进一步升级,Jack更加的勇猛无比。野心勃勃的新任总统,美丽的律师妹妹,CTU里面精悍的战友与Jack一起守卫自己的家园。新的演员加入其中,而老演员也会有退出的念头,24里面我们熟悉的角色何去何从?关注24,关注你爱的那个角色。
One of the most innovative, thrilling and acclaimed drama series on television, 24, created by Joel Surnow and Robert Cochran, will retain its unique and pioneering format in the sixth season. Each episode will cover one hour of real time, and the season’s entire story will take place in one day. Once again, viewers will be able to follow several key characters through a day that none of them will ever forget. 24’s pulsating season five opened with Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) forced out of hiding after the shocking assassination of President Palmer (Dennis Haybert), the murder of Michelle Dessler (Reiko Aylesworth) and an attack on Tony Almeida (Carlos Bernard). With fabricated evidence pinning him to Palmer’s assassination, Bauer became the most wanted man in America. Meanwhile, Russian separatists led by Vladimir Bierko (Julian Sands) took an airport hostage and launched missiles at the Russian presidential motorcade, and when their master plan was quelled, America was threatened with deadly canisters of military-grade nerve gas. In one of the series’ sharpest turns, it was revealed that ineffectual President Charles Logan (Gregory Itzin), along with Christopher Henderson (Peter Weller), were responsible for the terrorism and murders of the previous hours. As the clock ticked on, unstable First Lady Martha Logan (Jean Smart) witnessed the unthinkable while Jack, teaming with feisty computer wiz Chloe O’Brian (Mary Lynn Rajskub), pursued justice for the day’s terrifying events.