
The Blue Ray - By Robert Bruce

(2008-09-04 16:45:50) 下一个

The Blue Ray

By Robert Bruce


This is what happened to me, many years ago, aftermy very first successful deliberate wake induced Out of Body Experience(OBE, one kindof psychic abilities that projects the person’s conscious out of his body. Thisprojected conscious can travel to different time, space, world, and reality).I had been trying to project for several months at this time, and had made aprojection attempt almost every night for the previous two weeks. Trying tobalance everything, relaxation, trance, energy, technique, etc, for a consciousexit projection is very difficult and can take some time to master. At thistime, I was sleeping in a strange house and bed as I was watching over adepressed (suicidal) friend who wasasleep in another room at the time.


Amidst massive waves ofenergy, pressure and vibrations: thinking I might actually be dying -- I buzzedfree of my body. I floated across the room and hovered there, internally awedby my success as I looked around and got my sea legs. Just as I was about tohead for the great outdoors, only a few seconds after the exit, I felt myselfin the grip of a powerful force. Unlike the Astral Wind phenomenon, this forcepulled me to the middle of the room and transfixed me in a horizontal positionseveral feet above the floor. I hung there looking up at the ceiling for a fewmoments as the room slowly dissolved around me.


I found myself lying innear-darkness on what appeared to be a stone altar. I was unable to do morethan move my head very slightly from side to side. The scene around me grewmore solid and was soon broken by several burning torches. They floated towardsme and hung in the air all around me, suspended several feet in midair. Isensed movement and heard the muttering of many voices nearby, and realized Iwas not alone.


Straining to move my head,I made out the shapes of trees and stone pillars in the distance, faintlyilluminated at the outer edge of the ring of light cast by the flickeringtorches. Several groups of strangely dressed people, men and women of manydifferent races, were approaching me. Some wore long robes while others werealmost naked, and many wore elaborate headgear. They spread out and formed adeep circle around me several feet away and waited, quietly talking amongthemselves as if I were not even there.


Suddenly, a ripple ofexcitement spread through the crowd and they parted in the direction my feetwere pointing, all now facing this direction. Floating down a pillar-lined pathcame several large shields, all brightly painted and glowing. Each one held acolorful, glowing magical symbol. The shields were oval in shape and lookedvery African in design. They came to rest a few feet away and hung several feetin the air around me. I heard several voices say at once "The Master iscoming!" and a reverent hush settled over the crowd. The inner-circle ofpeople closest to me kneeled and joined hands.


An old but powerfullybuilt African-looking man, at least seven foot tall, walked solemnly towards methrough the break in the crowd near my feet. He was bare headed and wore asimple loin cloth made of some kind of animal skin. There were symbols anddesigns painted in glowing-white over most of his body. The Master walked up tothe altar and stood just to the side near my head. He looked down at mesolemnly for a moment before raising his hands over my head. He moved them overmy body, making what appeared to be magical signs and gestures, his deep voicechanting resonantly in a strange tongue.


His words and gestures hada great power to them. From his hands came colorful sparks and glowing trailsformed in their wake as they moved. Symbols and magical designs appeared in theair above me, some flowering and spreading and some sinking into my body. Hispalms slowly dissolved as multiple rays of colored-light sprayed from them. Ifelt these rays touching and burning into me and something very strange seemedto be happening inside my body. It felt as if my internal organs were beingwarmed and moved about in response to these penetrating beams of magical light.


After what seemed to melike several minutes, the light coming from the master's hands changeddramatically, solidifying into a single gorgeous royal-blue colour, onlydeeper, brighter and more vibrant. The colour was simply breathtaking and nocolour on earth could compare with it. I heard awed whispers from beside mesaying: "Look...look...the master's using the blue ray now!" Thissingle ray of light grew in size and power and burned right through me.


I felt a tugging pressurein my chest and throat and my heart fizzed and tingled and thrummed wildly asthe light burned through it. The blue ray spread upwards through my throat andhead, growing stronger and brighter until it filled my mind's eye, blotting outeverything around me. This light was breathtakingly beautiful and my wholeworld filled with its royal-blue light and energy. I felt myself falling intoand becoming this light. I adored this light and was this light and the lightbecame me. Then, the light slowly faded away like an afterimage and the bedroomstarted materializing around me.


I floated free and hoveredawhile, trying to work out what had happened while holding onto the light Icould still see in my mind's eye. I could see a royal-blue tint in theatmosphere all around me and took a quick look at my hands. As they melted,they glowed brightly with a royal-blue aura around them.


I slid back into my bodyand came wide awake, but could still feel the peculiar fizzy-tingling sensationin my heart. This lasted for several days and during this time I lovedeverything around me intensely. I was on something like a spiritual high. Afterthis experience, my heart center became my most active primary energy center.This changed the course of my life dramatically. Even now, whenever I cover myclosed eyes with the palms of my hands, as I always do immediately aftermeditation, my mind's eye still floods with this same wonderful royal-bluelight...the sight of which I still adore.


For interest's sake: Twoweeks after the above experience, my mother and I attended a large developmentcircle at a Christian Spiritualist church in a town nearby. This was at theinvitation of some acquaintances. I had not told a soul about the above BlueRay experience (being rather staggered byit) not even my mother. During the ensuing development circle, two of themediums working there (total strangers tous at the time) commented on a thick ray of blue light they claimed to seecoming through the ceiling and penetrating my upper chest. Because of this blueray, one of these mediums talked us into attending a healing center with themthe following night, and literally wouldn't take no for an answer.


Thus began a veryimportant chapter in my life, one of healing, service, learning anddevelopment. The minute I entered this healing sanctuary I was requested towork as a healer: something fairly new to me at that time. There, at thishealing center, my mother and I met an small, elderly, buxom lady with atwinkle in her eye and a wonderful sense of humour: Selena. My mother hadbriefly met Selena once before at a spiritualist convention several yearsearlier. During the course of the evening we three took an instant shine toeach other and quickly became the best of friends. Selena is one of the finestmediums (clairvoyant and clairaudient)and wisest person I have ever had the privilege to meet. She was destined tobecame my teacher, mentor and dearest friend for many years to come. Selenapassed away fairly recently (1999)but she still comes to visit us occasionally.


To be truthful, I have aslight problem with death. When people die its really sad (tell me about it!) but I 'still' see them and talk to them atcertain times, and its often hard to tell deceased people from living people. Iremember once, many years back, riding on a bus in the evening, chatting to theguy next to me; as one does. A pretty normal event by all accounts; or was it?Read on and see what happened....


I was chatting with thisyoung man and having a normal transient-type conversation (we'd both had a few beers, re why I was taking the bus instead ofdriving) when we came to the scene of a car accident. We'd only been on thebus a few minutes when the bus slowed to move around the wreckage. He wastotally amazed and said "That looks just like my car! That is my car! Butwho's driving it? I'm on my way home from my sister's wedding. But what am Idoing on a bus. Oh my God! I was driving! What happed? I wasn't thatdrunk!" (But he 'was' that drunk:totally legless) He broke down after this and slipped into a kind oftrance-like stupor as the gravity of his situation dawned on him. Although bythen I had realized what was happening (hewas a recently deceased spirit) I could not get any sense out of him afterthis. Sad but true. He vanished shortly after this. Realizing this, I was notsurprised when the bus driver made tactful inquiries about my wellbeing as Igot off the bus. I explained I had been rehearsing a play; which usually worksin situations like this.


Just so you don't get thewrong idea: please note that I don't see spirits all the time. That would be amost uncomfortable way to live. But sometimes my clairvoyant ability istriggered without my noticing it. Because of this, occasionally I'll havetrouble telling the flesh-and-blood living from the not so flesh-and-bloodliving. This is especially likely to happen in the presence of recentlydeparted spirits, especially at the scene of accidents and places where peoplehave died suddenly. I think this may be due to the large amount of energysurrounding this type of event.



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