乐和园 Le He Yuan


父亲的遗憾 -- 怀念母亲 (5)

(2008-01-28 09:01:31) 下一个

母亲走后 , 一日 , 我们姐妹几个围着父亲 , 坐在一起聊天 . 父亲说 , 他收藏了一篇文章 , 一直想读给母亲听 , 几次话到嘴边 , 都咽了回去 . 担心母亲伤心 , 担心母亲误会 . 现在想来 , 还是觉得后悔 , 应当在她活着的时候读给他听 .

我请他老人家拿出来 , 给我们看看 . 父亲拿出了这篇文章 “ 只能陪你一程 ”. 它是游宇明于2004发表在《读者》上的. 我大声郎诵给大家听.






每一个人都只是穿插在他人生活中的一个片断,这注定永远只能陪人一程。你爱自己的父母,希望他们长命百岁,但你再孝顺他们,他们也会走在你前面,你只能陪父母一程;你喜欢自己的儿女,时刻梦想用自己的身躯为他们遮风挡雨,然而,你再高大,总有一天你也要走在他们前面,你只能陪儿女一程;你拥有一个心心相印的妻子,但是,她前面二十多年属于父母,后面几十年会被儿女、命运分割,你只能陪妻子一程;你看重朋友之间两肋插刀的友谊,然而,不是朋友离开你,就是你离开朋友,你只能陪朋友一程 ……
因为只能陪人一程,你应该学会珍惜。他们饥饿时,你的关爱要成为一只苹果;他们寒冷时,你的呵护要变成一件棉衣;他们快乐时,你的笑容应该是最灿烂的;他们伤心时,你的抚慰应该是最真挚的 …… 生活反复印证着:黑夜可以因为篝火的加入而变得明亮,冰雪却无法因为寒风的参与而化作温暖。

因为只能陪人一程,你也应该学会放弃。你父母只能抚养你长大,你不要期望他们是你永远的拐杖,可以支撑你全部的人生;儿女只是与你血肉相连的孩子,而不是你的奴隶,你要懂得尊重他们的人生选择;妻子向你奉献了爱情,但她的生命不是爱情的抵押品,你应该给她必要的私人空间;朋友可以温暖你,但这种温暖应该是开放的,你不能强行独占他人的友谊 ……

你只是别人生命中的过客,只能与人共走一段路,这注定了你给予别人的有限性,又怎能要求别人无限付出? ***************************************************************************************************************************

Each person can only interludes in the lives of others in a fragment, which were destined to accompany only one way. Your love their parents, I hope they have a long life-years old, but you will filial piety them, and they will take your front of you like their children, and always dream of using their bodies as they Zhefengdangyu, however, you can tall, one day you go in front; affiliated you have a wife, but she is more than 20 years ahead parents, after several decades will be the sons and daughters of `separate destiny, you can only accompany his wife one way; Liangjinchadao you value the friendship, but not your friends leave, you leave a friend, you can only way to accompany a friend .. ..... because only one way to accompany people, should learn to treasure. their hunger, your care and concern should be to become an apple; them cold, your love to become a cotton; them happy, you laugh most brilliant they feel sad when your console is the most sincere ....... repeatedly proven the life: bonfire night because of the addition of becoming bright, but not because of ice and snow, the weather is warm into the involvement of .

Because the only way to accompany a person, you should learn to give up. Your parents could only train you grow up, you do not always expect them to the crutches, you can support all the life you create only the sons and daughters of the blood linkage friends, is not your slaves, must know how to respect their life choices; wife for the dedication you love, but her love life is not collateral, she should be given the necessary private space; friends can warm you, but this should be a glorious opening , and can not be forcibly monopolize their friendship ........

You are in the lives of others, freight, and people can only take a total of the section, you are bound to the limited nature of others, how can we ask others to pay unlimited?

我理解 父亲为什么最终没有念给母亲 . 作为父亲来讲 , 他很想亲自讲给她听 , 让她安心离去 , 不要再牵挂亲人 . 但在母亲临终告诉她这一事实 , 仍是残忍的 .

父亲 , 您不必感到遗憾 , 您已做到了最好 ! 携妻之手 , 您们共度过了 57 载 . 由其是在最后几年 , 您对母亲无微不至的照顾 , 我们看在眼里 , 记在心里 , 您是我们学习的好榜样 .

既然只能陪人一程 , 那就珍惜夫妻 , 父母 , 儿女 , 兄弟姐妹 , 朋友 ,…, 在一起的时光 , 轻松快乐的度过这一程吧 !

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