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China: What are some Chinese phrases that are commonly used online?




233  means LOL
卧槽  means WTF
囧  is a Chinese character which is widely used as an emotion
高富帅  describes a male who is tall, rich and handsome
白富美  describes a female who is white, rich and beautiful

矮矬穷 Short, ugly, and poor. A popular internet meme referring to the non-ideal boyfriend or husband in contemporary Chinese society. Its opposite is “tall, handsome, and rich“.
好基友  means very good friend
搞基  means hangout with some good friends

节操何在  describes someone, something sleazy or nasty but actually it's a positive word with comic relief
这不科学  means it doesn't make sense at all or unbelievable
你为何这么屌  means how did you become such amazing
不作死就不会死  No zuo no die why you try, you try you die don't ask why. Here, zuo(作) means try something dangerous. This phrase is used to mock up sb. who tried something dangerous or against to himself.

大V(Big V, the verified people who have many followers on Sina Weibo):作为一名大V,要对自己说的话负责。
土豪(literally means "local tyrant", a rich guy):土豪,我们做朋友吧!
土豪金(local tyrant gold, refers specifically to the gold model of iPhone 5s):我想要买一部土豪金。
我和我的小伙伴们都惊呆了!(Me and my buddies shitted our pants! It's a very popular meme in 2013.):听到老师说明天的考试会特别难,我和我的小伙伴们都惊呆了。

女汉子(He-girl, a girl who acts like man):小丽独自杀了一只鸡眼睛都没眨一下,真是女汉子……
高大上/高端大气上档次(a thing of good taste):-你觉得我把你 P(Photoshop)得怎么样?-高端大气上档次!
喜大普奔(an abbreviation of four idoms 喜闻乐见, 大快人心,普天同庆 and 奔走相告, used when you're very happy to hear a thing happened):老师说这次考试所有人都及格了,喜大普奔!
不明觉厉(short for 不明白但觉得很厉害, I don't get it but I think it's terrific)-你觉得我这篇文章写得怎么样?-不明觉厉……

题主(similar as 楼主, the person who asks the question):题主这个问题问得非常好,我来抛砖引玉回答一下!
帖子  literally a card or a note. Means a post (can be a thread, an original post, or a reply).
发帖  sending out a note. Starting a new thread.
回帖  sending back a note. Replying to a thread.
 a building or a floor. A thread or a specific reply.
楼主  the owner of a building. The original poster.
二楼  the second floor. The second post in a thread, or the first reply. 一楼/顶楼 is the original post.
三楼/四楼/五楼/etc.   he third/fourth/fifth floor.
楼上/楼下  upstairs/downstairs. The post or poster above/below you.

沙发  sofa. The first reply.
抢沙发  snatching the sofa. Trying to be the first to reply.
板凳  bench. The second reply.
版主  the owner of a board. Moderator. Sometimes written incorrectly as 斑竹.
灌水  pouring water (into a forum). Posting lots of content, which is often irrelevant, repetitive, or meaningless. This is because most forums base their user ranks/privileges on the number of posts a user has created.

哭晕在厕所   Someone is so angry/upset that he/she cries and blacks out in the toilet. It is always used for amusement.
e.g. 她最新的专辑首周大卖三百张,哭晕在厕所。 (Her latest album sold like hot cakes - 300 copies for the first week. She cried so hard that she fell over in the toilet.)
It's already a pattern: verb + 晕在厕所 (black out in the toilet)
e.g. 气晕在厕所 (some one is so angry that he/she blacks out in the toilet), 笑晕在厕所 (laughing so hard and black out...), etc.
You can also add "惹" as a funny version of "了" at the end, as "哭晕在厕所惹", etc
"惹” as an alternative of "了"
e.g. “我室友又忘记冲厕所惹" "My roommate forgot to flush the toilet again!"

笑哭了  (Laughing so hard with tears)
笑快  (快 is a phonetic translation of cry - 笑CRY, same with the above)
笑尿了 (Laughing so hard with urine)
笑die  (Laughing too hard to death)
给跪   to kneel down. When it is used on a person, it either indicates that someone is outstanding in an area that you admire him/her, or occasionally someone behaves in an extremely peculiar way that you cannot understand. When it is used on an object, it implies that you are unconfindent of overcoming it. It is a clipped version of "给 someone/something 跪下了".
e.g. 他懂十国语言,真是给跪。 (He speaks ten languages. I'm kneeling before him.
现代史纲要下周考试但现在一点都没复习简直要跪!(要跪 is short for 要给……跪下了)(The test of the Outline of Modern Chinese history is on next week and I haven't even reviewed any of it! I'm kneeling before it!)

注孤生  (A clipped version of 注定孤独一生 doomed to be alone all his/her life)
马克 or 马 (A phonetic translation of English to "mark". It's usually used when someone's shared something that is helpful but you can't check out immediately. You "mark" it to check out later.)
逗逼 or 逗比 (dou4 bi1) both noun and adjective. It describes someone who provides great amusement usually by making him/herself looking silly.
吃货  People use this to describe someone who loves to eat in a fanatic way (but not psychologically unhealthy) and they find that somewhat adorable. It is very rarely used in assaults.

没图你说个贾斯汀比伯 People usually say this when they require to see a picture of what you just discribed. The literal translation would be (If there is no picture you're are talking a Justin Bieber. The acronym of Justin Bieber is JB, which means penis in Chinese. Penis can mean a lot in Chinese, but in this particular context, it basically means “nothing”.
e.g. A: 刚看见一个人长得好像贾斯汀比伯! B: 没图你说个贾斯汀比伯。 (I just saw someone and he looked a lot like Justin Bieber! B: If you don't have a picture, you ain't sayin' nothin'.) [People make fun of Justin Bieber a lot in China.]

adj + 得/到没朋友 (somebody is too ... to have any friend. It can be used as a compliment, with the implication of self-mockery. Or it can be used as self-mockery completely with a negative adjective. It can be offensive if you use this phrase with a negative adjective on other people.)
美得没朋友 (beautiful) 帅到没朋友 (handsome) 丑得没朋友 (ugly) 穷到没朋友 (poor)

那画面太美我不敢看 The scene is too beautiful for me to look at. It rarely takes the literal meaning, but usually the opposite as a sarcasm.
不忍直视  Something's too ugly or messed up that I can't even lay my eyes on it.
人生赢家 or 人赢   a winner of life. It describes someone who is successful in almost everything.

BT = 变态 Perverted, deviant, abnormal.
Fuck. Common variants include 草 (“cao”) or 靠 (“kao”) as well as the English spelling “cao” and “kao.” 肏 is also correct for “fuck” but almost never used.
草泥马  An alpaca, or literally “grass mud horse,” which is a pun for 操你妈 caoni ma, “fuck your mom.” It was created by the Mop BBS in early 2009, maybe in response to government censorship.

查水表 Literally “to check the water meter”. Often used in responses to posts or comments that may be considered subversive or “inharmonious” by the government, suggesting that the police or authorities will be coming to the original poster’s home to arrest them under the guise of “checking their water meter”.
打酱油 Get soy sauce. This is a popular internet meme that means “none of my business”, “does not involve me”, “just passing by”.
蛋疼 Ball ache. Testicle ache. Usually refers to doing something extremely unreasonable or ridiculous out of boredom or having nothing better to do.
法克 A transliteration of the English word “fuck”.
给力 To give force or power to something, to make something interesting or impressive, awesome, amazing, powerful.
搞基 To be, to make, to go for being gay. To have gay relations/sex.

十动然拒(十分感动然后拒绝了)? it firstly generated from a hit news on Weibo I think.
图样图森破  (too young too simple) - naive
何弃疗(为何放弃治疗)why giving up treatment
药不能停  cannot stop taking medicines. You can see it as the opposition of 何弃疗
中二病 (too complex to describe...plz baidu) come from anime, some male characters normally middle school students are self-centered, think they are unique and one of the typical thought is ' it's not my fault; it's the world's.(错的不是我是世界)'

躺枪  躺着也能中枪   usually the writer set someone for example or comparison when it's really low probability to be mentioned . The someone can say 莫名躺枪。
You can you up, no can no bibi.
不作死就不会死 No Zuo No Die
学霸=sb. that always gets high grades
学渣= the opposite of 学霸
泥煤=你妹=go to hell
画面太美,不敢看 (little diffcult to understand)Literal explanation: The scene is so pretty that I can't look at it.









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